OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 2 Year No. 36 ADDIS ABABA - 19th July , 1996 CONTENTS Council of Ministers Regulations No. 8/1996 Importation of Machinery and Goods on Franco - Valuta Basis Council of Ministers Regulations Page 262 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS NO.8 / 1996 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS ON THE IMPORTATION OF MACHINERY AND GOODS ON the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 4/1995 . 1. Short Title These Regulations may be cited as the “ Importation of Ministers Regulations No.8 / 1996 . ” Without prejudice to the provisons of Article 4 of these Regulations , only the following may be imported on 1 ) Machinery and goods imported by government ins titutions with financial assistance or donation from foreign governments , international organizations and donor agencies for programmes and projects , that have obtained prior approval through agreements entered into with the government ; Unit Price The African Law Archive Page 263 2 ) Goods imported by internationl organizations , donor agencies and diplomatic and consular missions ; 3 ) Machinery and goods imported by foreign investors having licence from the appropriate government Ins titution and Ethiopian investors , permanently residing abroad , for their investment activities and for personal 4 ) Goods imported forpersonal and family use , pursuant to directivs issued by the Federal Revenue Board , by returning Ethiopians having stayed abroad on business . for education and various purposes or as refugees ; 5 ) Awards obtained by individuals and organizations for outstanding achievements in sports , arts and other similar activities . The Importation of Goods on Franco - Valuta Basis Council of Ministers Regulations No. 1/1992 is hereby repealed . Except as provided in Article 2 of these Regulations , 1 ) new machinery and goods may not be imported on Franco - valuta basis after August 3 , 1996 ; 2 ) used machinery and goods may not be imported on ? frnaco - valuta basis after September 30 , 1996 . 5. Effective Date These Regulations shall come into force as of the 20th day of July , 1996 . Done at Addis Ababa , this 194h day of July , 1996 . PRIME MINSITER OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law
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