OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 9th Year No. 91 ADDIS ABABA - 9 September , 2003 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 366/2003 Inter - governmental Authority on Development Es tablishment Agreement Ratification Proclamation Page 2379 PROCLAMATION No. 366/2003 A PROCLAMATION TO RATIFY THE AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THE INTER - GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY ON DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS , an Agreement Establishing the Inter Governmental Authority on Development ( IGAD ) was sig ned in Nairobi on the 21st day of March 1996 ; WHEREAS , it is stipulated in the Agreement that the WHEREAS , the House of People's Representatives of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has ratified said NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Article 55 Sub Articles ( 1 ) and ( 12 ) of the Constitution , it is hereby proclaimed as follows : Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the “ Inter - governmental Unit Price The African Law Archive gh September , 2003 - Page 2380 2. Ratification of the Agreement The Agreement , signed in Nairobi on the 215 day of March 2003 to establish the Inter - Governmental Authority on development , is ratified . 3. Effective Date This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the 94 day of September , 2003 Done at Addis Ababa this 9th day of September 2003 President of the federal Democratic republic of Ethiopia The African Law Archive
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