OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 9th Year No. 64 ADDIS ABABA-- 3 June , 2003 . CONTENTS Proclaination No. 344/2003 . 1995 Fiscal Year Supplementary Budget Proclamation Page 2208 PROCLAMATION NO . 344/2003 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET PROCLAMATION In accordance with Article 55 ( 1 ) of the Constitution of Financial Administration Proclamation No. 57/1996 a sup plementary budget is hereby prociaimed . Article 1 . This proclamation may be cited as the “ 1995 Fiscal Year Supplementary Budget Proclamation No. 344/2003 . ” Article 2. The Federal Budget is hereby appropriated for the fiscal year commencing on Hamele 1. 1994 E.C. and ending on Sene 30 , 1995 E.C. from Federal Government Revenues and other funds for the undertakings set forth in the schedule hereto : A ) Recurrent Budget Birr 209,517,406 B ) Capital Budget . GRAND TOTAL . ( Six Hundred Nine Million Six Hundred Seven teen Thousand Four Hundred Birr ) suant to this proclamation shall be apportioned as follows . Done at Addis Ababa , this 3id day of June , 2003 . PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA Unit Price The African Law Archive
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