27th Year - No 9
Addis Ababa, 7th February, 1968
Legal Notice No. 334 of 1968 Premium Bonds Regulations
LEGAL NOTICE No. 334 of 1968
Page 64
These Regulations are issued by the Minister of Finance pursuant to authority vested in him by Article. 8 of the Government Bonds Proclamation of 1961.
These Regul may be cited as the " Premium Bonds Regulations, 1968 ”.
1968 Premium Bonds shall be issued in the total issue value of Eth. $ 4,000,000 in four series as follows:
i). Series E. consisting of 40,000 bonds of total issue value of Eth. $ 1,000,000 with the date of issue of
ii) Series F. consisting of 40,000 bonds of total issue value of Eth. $ 1,000,000 with the date of issue of 12th October 1968 (lst Tekemt 1961) ;
* The African Law Archive
iii) Series G. consisting of 40,000 bonds of total issue value of Eth. $ 1,000,000 with the date of issue of
iv) Series H. consisting of 40,000 bonds of total issue value of Eth. $ 1,000,000 with the date of issue of lth December 1968 (lst Tahsas 1961).
They shall have the following characteristics:
(a) Their date of maturity shall be five (5) years from the date of issue; however, if a Bond shall win a pre mium, it shall mature at that time ;
(b) they shall bear interest at the rate of four per cent (4%) per annum payable upon the date of maturity ;
(c) their original issue value shall be Eth. $ 25.- each ;
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