OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 6 Year No. 22 ADDIS ABABA - 7th March , 2000 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 194/2000 Geological Survey of Ethiopia Establishment Proclamation Page 1242 PROCLAMATION NO . 194/2000 A PROCLAMATION TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS , the collection of earth science information on the earth's surface and its interior is fundamental and ፡ ማጥናትና | decisive for the development of industry , energy and agricul ture ; WHEREAS , prospecting for , exploration and study of tial for the economic development of the country ; WHEREAS , it is essential to collect , deposit and establish ownership on earth science information ; WHEREAS , in order to fulfill the above objectives , it has become necessary to establish the Geological Survey of Ethiopia NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Article 55 ( 1 ) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of 1. Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the . “ Geological Survey of Ethiopia Establishment Proclamation No. 2. Definition In this Proclamation : 1 ) “ earth science ” means the science which studies the earth , the rocks of which it is composed , the changes that have undergone or are undergoing and other natural phenomena occurring within the earth , utilizing methods and techniques of geology , geophysics and geochemistry and any other method applicable for the study of the earth ; Unit Price The African Law Archive -- No.22 7 March , 2000– Page 1243 2 ) “ exploration ” means to look for minerals as well as collecting earth science information by applying geological , geophysical , geochemical or any other suitable methods ; 3 ) “ grade ” ' means the concentration of mineral con tained in a given weight or volume of earth's crust or part thereof ; 4 ) “ information ” means geological drogeological , geothermal , geophysical , geochemical and drilling data and includes reports , maps , photographs , plans , charts , graphs ; sections , logs , as well as mineral , rock and borehole samples and specimens of all kinds ; 5 ) “ mineral ” means any naturally occurring mineral substance of economic value forming part of or found on or within the earth's crust ; 6 ) “ mineral deposit ” means any concentration of prospective mineral or group or minerals naturally accumulated ( deposited ) within a specific area of the earth's crust and which has grade and quantity of mineral in excess of its surrounding ; 7 ) “ Minister ” and “ Ministry ” means the Minister and the Ministry of Mines and Energy respectively ; 8 ) “ remote sensing ” means a method applied to collect information from long distance , as from aircraft or from earth satellites for exploration purposes . 1 ) The Geological Survey of Ethiopia ( hereinafter called “ the Survey ’ ' ) is hereby re - established as an autonomous federal government organ having its own juridical personality . 2 ) The Survey shall be accountable to the Ministry . Head Office The Survey shall have its Head Office in Addis Ababa and may have branch offices as appropriate . The objective of the Survey shall be to undertake studies and surveys about the earth's crust and mineral contained in it , applying earth science techniques and to prospect for , explore , and , as the case may be , estimate and delineate mineral deposits . Powers and Duties of the Survey The Survey shall have the following powers and duties : 1 ) carry out geological mapping , prepare and publish geological maps ; 2 ) conduct ground and airborne geophysical surveys and remote sensing studies ; 3 ) carry out exploration and conduct studies on earth and water bodies to collect basic information of minerals , oil and natural gas , hydrogeology en gineering geology , and when the circumstances so require , estimate and delineate mineral deposits ; The African Law Archive 4 ) investigate volcanic activity , earth - quakes , land slides and meteorites and any other related natural phenomena as may be required for the attainment of its objectives and inform , where appropriate , those concerned of its findings ; 5 ) train its personnel , in accordance with the short and long term needs of the Survey ; 6 ) collect and own information related to earth science studies , and may make it available to users , with or without payment , as the case may be , and also publish and distribute journals ; 7 ) require and obtain any information relevant to its activities from any sources ; 8 ) participate in all meetings , conferences and seminars related to earth sciences representing the govern ment ; 9 ) charge fees for any service it renders in accordance with general government directives ; 10 ) own and transfer property , enter into contracts , sue and be sued in its name and carry out other similar activities necessary for the attainment of its objec tives . 7. Organizational Structure of the Survey The Survey shall have : 1 ) a General manager ; 2 ) a Chief Geologist ; and 3 ) the necessary staff . 8. Appointment of the General Manager The General Manager of the Survey shall be appointed by the Government upon the recommendation of the Minister . 9. Powers and Duties of the General Manager 1 ) The General Manager shall be the chief executive of the Survey and shall , subject to the general directives of the Minister , be responsible for the overall operation and management of the Survey . 2 ) Without limiting the generality provided in Sub Article ( 1 ) herein above , the General manager shall : ( a ) employ , administer , transfer , promote and dis miss personnel in accordance with Civil Service laws ; however , the salary scale and perdiem rate of personnel of the survey shall be determined by the directives issued by the government ; ( b ) prepare and submit to the Minister short , medium , and long term plans of the Survey ; ( c ) prepare and submit to the Minister the annual work programme and budget of the Survey ; ( d ) effect expenditure in accordance with the approved annual budget and work programme of the Survey ; ( e ) prepare and submit to the Minister operational report on the activities of the Survey ; The African Law Archive No.22 ም March , 2000 Page 1245 ( e ) prepare and submit to the Minister operational report on the activities of the Survey ; ( f ) select the Chief Geologist and department heads of the Survey and recommend them to the Minster for appointment ; ( g ) represent the Survey in all its relations with third parties . 3 ) The General Manager shall exercise the powers and duties of the Survey referred to under Article 6 of this Proclamation . 4 ) The General Manager may delegate his powers and duties of the Survey referred to under Article 6 of this Proclamation to the Chief Geologist and to his staff to the extent necessary for the effective management of the Survey . 10. Powers and Duties of the Chief Geologist The Chief Geologist shall : 1 ) be responsible for the geoscience studies and related activities of the Survey ; and 2 ) act on behalf of the General Manager in his absence . 11. Source of Budget The sources of the budget of the Survey shall be the following : a subsidy alloted by the Government ; 2 ) service charges and other fees to be collected by the Survey ; 3 ) moneys obtained from other sources . 12. Keeping Books of Accounts 1 ) The Survey shall keep full and accurate books of accounts and other financial documents . 2 ) The Survey's books of accounts and other financial documents shall be audited annually by the Auditor General or by the persons designated by him . 13. Repeal . The Ethiopian Institute of Geological Survey Establish ment Proclamation No.230 / 1982 is hereby repealed . 15. Power to Issue Regulations The Council of Ministers may issue regulations for the proper implementation of this Proclamation . 15. Effective Date This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the 7th day of March , 2000 . Done at Addis Ababa , this 7th day of March , 2000 . PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive
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