× Browse Products About Us Login / Sign Up Contact Us አማርኛ AFRICAN LAW ARCHIVE Browse By Outline By Date Products About Us Login / Sign Up አማርኛ 2008-2009 Proclamation No. 603-656 Search Here Proclamations of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 2008-2009 Proclamation No. 603-656 A Proclamation to amend the definition of power and duties of the executive organs of the federal democratic republic of Ethiopia proclamation No. 603/2008 A Proclamation to ratify the agreement on youth and sport cooperation with the republic of Yemen proclamation No. 604/2008 A Proclamation to ratify the convention for the establishment of the African center for fertilizer development proclamation No. 605/2008 A Proclamation to ratify the convention of the African energy commission proclamation No. 606/2008 A Proclamation to ratify the inter-African convention establishing an African technicl co-operation programme proclamation No. 607/2008 A Proclamation to amend the income tax proclamtion No. 608/2008 A Proclamation to amend the value added tax proclamation proclamation No.609/2008 A Proclamtion to amend the excise tax proclamation No. 610/2008 A Proclamation to amend the turnover tax proclamation No. 611/2008 A Proclamation to amend the stamp duty proclamation proclamation No. 612/2008 A Proclamation to ratify the African charter on democracy, election and Governanace proclamation No. 613/2008 A Proclamation to ratify the protocol to the OAU convention on the prevention and combating of Terrorism proclamtion No. 614/2008 A Proclamation to ratify the Air trnsport services agreement between the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the government of the Hong Kong special administrative region of The Peoples Republic of China proclamation No. 615/2008 Civil Aviation proclamation No. 616/2008 Proclamation to ratify the agreement for the establishment of the African Rehabilitation Institute prclamation No. 617/2008 Proclamation to ratify the additional protocol to the OAU General Convention on privileges and immunities proclamation No. 618/2008 Proclamation to ratify the agreement between the government of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the government of The State of Kuwait on the establishment of joint ministerial committee for cooperation proclamation No. 619/2009 A Proclamation to ratify the international convention on Civil Liability for Bunker oil polution damage proclamation No. 620/2009 Proclamation to provide for the registration and regulation of charities and societies proclamation No. 621/2009 Customs Proclamation No. 622/2009 A Proclamation to ratify the loan agreement between the Federal Democratic Repblic of Ethiopia and the International Development Association proclamation No. 623/2009 Ethiopian Building proclamation No. 624/2009 A Proclamation to ratify the loan agreement between the government of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and The African Devlopment fund proclamation No. 625/2009 Micro Financing business proclamation No. 626/2009 A Proclamation to ratify the credit agreement between the government of the federal democratic republic of ethiopia and the export-import bank of India proclamation No. 627/2009 A Proclamation to ratify the international convention on the control of harmful anti-fouling systems proclamation No. 628/2009 A Proclamation to ratify the international convention on liability and compensation for damage in connection with the carriage of hazardous and noxious substances by sea proclamation No. 629/2009 A Proclamation to ratify the loan agreement between the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and The Kuwait Fund for Arab economic development proclamation No. 630/2009 A Proclamation to ratify the financing agreement between the Federal Democtatic Republic of Ethiopia and the International development association proclamation No. 631/2009 A Proclamation to Provide for employment exchange services proclamation No. 632/2009 A Proclamation to ratify the agreement for conservation of African Eurasian migratory water birds proclamation No. 635/2009 A Proclamation to ratify the agreement between the government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the government of the Republic of India on the establishment of joint ministerial commission proclamation No. 636/2009 A Proclamation to ratify the agreement of coperation with the Portuguese Republic proclamation No. 637/2009 A Proclamation to ratify the air transport services agreement between the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the government of the Republic of Tunisia proclamation No. 640/2009 A Proclamation to amend the proclamation providing the definition of powers and duties of the executive organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia proclamation No. 641/2009 A Proclamation to amend the proclamation providing the definition of powers and duties of the executive organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia proclamation No. 642/2009 A Proclamation to ratify the agreement on the promotion and protection of investment with the government of the Republic od South Africa proclamation No. 643/2009 A Proclamation to ratify the agreement on the promotion and reciprocal protection of investment with the government of the Kingdom of Spain proclamation No. 644/2009 A Proclamation to ratify the loan agreement between the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Arab bank for econmonic development in Africa proclamation No. 645/2009 A Proclamation to ratify the financing agreement between the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the International Development Association proclamation No. 646/2009 A Proclamation to provide for the finacial adminstration of the Federal Government of Ethiopia proclamation No. 648/2009 A Proclamation to promote and regulate transactions of precious minerals proclamation No. 651/2009 A Proclamation on anti-terrorism No. 652/2009 The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia flag proclamation No. 654/2009 A Proclamation to ratify the amendments made on the montreal protocol proclamation No. 656/2009 Prevention And Suppression Of Money Laundering And The Financing Of Terrorism Proclamation No 657/2009 Export-Import Bank Of China Loan Agreement For Addis Ababa Adama Toll Motorway Design Project Ratification Proclamation No 658/2009 International Development Association Financing Agreement For Productive Safety Net APL III Project Ratification Proclamation No 659/2009 Apiculture Resource Development And Protection Proclamation No 660/2009 Electoral Code Of Conduct For Political Parties Proclamation No 662/2009 Food, Medicine And Health Care Administration And Control Proclamation No 661/2009 Searchable in English and Amharic The most comprehensive resource anywhere Group pricing available African Law Archive - 2020 All Rights Reserved - Contact Us