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African Law Archive
Protection of Telecommunications and Electric Power Networks Proclamation No. 464-2005

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FEDERAL OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 11 Year No. 54 ADDIS ABABA- 30th June , 2005 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 464/2005 Protection of Telecommunications and Electric Power Networks Proclamation Page 3171 PROCLAMATION NO . 464/2005 . A PROCLAMATION TO PROVIDE FOR THE PROTECTION OF TELECOMMUNICATION AND ELECTRIC POWER NETWORKS WHEREAS , telecommunications services and ኃይል | electric power supply play pivotal role in bringing እነዚህንም | about rapid economic and social development and at the same time expansions of the sectors require huge investments ; WHEREAS , the telecommunication and electric while , will bring damage to the national economy and security of the country ; power networks ; NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Article 55 ( 1 ) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia ,, it is hereby proclaimed as follows ; 1. Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the “ Protection of Telecommunications and Electric Power Networks Proclamation No. 464/2005 ” . Unit Price The African Law Archive Page 3172 2. Definitions In this Proclamation , unless the context requires otherwise : 1 / “ telecommunication networks ” means equipment or accessories thereof , satellite , optical fiber , wire , cable , tower , mast , antenna , pole or any structure used or intended to be used in connection with telecommunications system ; 2 / “ electric power network ” means any equipment or accessories thereof , wire , cable , pole or any structure used or intended to be used in connection with electric power generation and transmission system ; 3 / “ telecommunications service provider ” means a telecommunications operator established by law and having license from the Ethiopian Telecommunication Agency ; 4 / “ electric power supplier ” means an electric power supplier established by law and having license from the Ethiopian Electric Agency ; 5 / “ person ” means a natural or juridical person 3. Protection 1 / Telecommunications and electric power networks all over the country are hereby provided special protection by this Proclamation . 21 Any federal and regional administrative body shall , in collaboration with the telecommunic ation service provider and electric power supplier , have the duty to protect telecommunications and electric power networks . ensure 3 ! Any federal and regional city administrative body shall whether there telecommunications or electric power networks prior to issuance of construction license and any person who acquired license , shall also guarantee that no damage shall occur on telecommunications or electric power networks . The African Law Archive 4. Penalties Any person who has committed an act of theft or intentional destruction obstruction telecommunications , or electric power networks , which threaten the national security and economy of the country , shall , unless a higher penalty is applicable under the relevant provisions of the Criminal Code , be punishable with rigorous imprisonment from 5 to 20 years . Where such act is committed negligently the punishment shall be from 6 months to 5 years imprisonment . 5. Inapplicable laws Any law inconsistent with this Proclamation shall not apply to matters provided for by this Proclamation . 6. Effective Date The Proclamation shall enter into force on the 30th day of June , 2005 . Done at Addis Ababa , the 30th day of June , 2005 PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive

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