Air Ownership of ship .
Chapter 1. General Provisions Definition of ships . Art . 2 . Accessories . Art . 3 .
Chapter 2. Nationality of Ships Art . 4 . Qualification for owning Ethiopian ships . Art . 5 . Ships treated as Ethiopian ships . Art . 6 Ethiopian shipe .
Chapter 3. Ownership Art . 7 . Art . 8 . Third party rights .
Chapter 4. Ships owned in common Art . 9 . Rights of part owners . Art . 10 . Liability of part owners Art . 11 . Powers of operator . Art . 12 . Assignment and mortgage of a share . Art . 13 . Pre - emptive rights of the other part cwners . Art . 14 . Sale of a ship under conimon ownership .
Chapter 5. Maritime Liens and Mortgage of a Ship
Art . 15 . Designation and priority of maritime liens . Art . 16 . Classification by voyage of claims secured by lien . Art . 17 . Classification of claims arising out of the same voyage . Art . 18 . Date of claims arising out of the same maritime incident . Art . 19 . Proof . Art . 20 . Priority of creditors secured by niortgage . Art . 21 . Property to which liens attach . Art . 22 . Definition of ship's accessories and freight . Art . 23 . Amounts deemed freight or excluded from ship's acces .
sories and freight . Art . 24 . Duration of lien on freight and ship's accessories . Art . 25 . Claims secured hr lien follow the shin
The African Law Archive