ያስሱ ምርቶች ስለ እኛ ይግቡ / ይመዝገቡ አግኙን English
African Law Archive
Maritime Code of 1960

      ይቅርታ፣ ማተም አይፈቀድም።

Air Ownership of ship .
Chapter 1. General Provisions Definition of ships . Art . 2 . Accessories . Art . 3 .
Chapter 2. Nationality of Ships Art . 4 . Qualification for owning Ethiopian ships . Art . 5 . Ships treated as Ethiopian ships . Art . 6 Ethiopian shipe .
Chapter 3. Ownership Art . 7 . Art . 8 . Third party rights .
Chapter 4. Ships owned in common Art . 9 . Rights of part owners . Art . 10 . Liability of part owners Art . 11 . Powers of operator . Art . 12 . Assignment and mortgage of a share . Art . 13 . Pre - emptive rights of the other part cwners . Art . 14 . Sale of a ship under conimon ownership .
Chapter 5. Maritime Liens and Mortgage of a Ship
Art . 15 . Designation and priority of maritime liens . Art . 16 . Classification by voyage of claims secured by lien . Art . 17 . Classification of claims arising out of the same voyage . Art . 18 . Date of claims arising out of the same maritime incident . Art . 19 . Proof . Art . 20 . Priority of creditors secured by niortgage . Art . 21 . Property to which liens attach . Art . 22 . Definition of ship's accessories and freight . Art . 23 . Amounts deemed freight or excluded from ship's acces .
sories and freight . Art . 24 . Duration of lien on freight and ship's accessories . Art . 25 . Claims secured hr lien follow the shin
The African Law Archive

ሙሉውን ሰነድ ለማየት መግባት አለብዎ

ለመግባት የኢሜል አድራሻዎን እና የይለፍ ቃልዎን ያስገቡ።
እባክህን ትክክለኛ ኢሜል አስገባ
እባክህ የኢሜል አድራሻህን አስገባ
እባክህ የይለፍ ቃልህን አስገባ
የይለፍ ቃል ቢያንስ 8 ቁምፊዎች መሆን አለበት።
የሚስጥራዊውን ቁጥር ረሳህው?