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African Law Archive
Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Research Establishment (Amendment) Proclamation No. 381-2004

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OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 10 Year No. 16 ADDIS ABABA - 13th January , 2004 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 381/2004 Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Research Establishment / Amendment / Proclamation ... Page 2523 PROCLAMATION NO . 381/2004 . A PROCLAMATION TO AMEND THE INSTITUTE OF BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION AND RSEARCH ESTABLISHMENT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS , it has become necessary to amend the institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Research Establishment Proclamation ; NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with የሚከተለው | Article 55 ( 1 ) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia , it is hereby proclaimed as follows : 1. Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the “ Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Research Establishment ( Amendment ) Procla mation No. 381/2004 . ” 2. Amendment The Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Research Establishment Proclamation 120/1998 ( as amended ) is_hereby further amended as follows : Unit Price The African Law Archive 1 / The designation “ Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Research ” appearing anywhere in the Proclamation is deleted and replaced by the “ Institute of Biodiversity Conservation . ” 2 / The English version of the word “ Biological Diversity ” appearing anywhere in the Proclamation has been deleted and replaced by “ Biodiversity . 3 / The following new Sub - Article ( 7 ) is added under Article 2 of the Proclamation : “ 7 / biological specimen / sample ” means the specimen / sample of plant , animal or micro - organisms genes or species and does not include agricultural inputs as defined under Article 8 ( 3 ) ( a ) of the Reorganization of the Executive Organs of the Federal nonnoratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 256/2001 ( as amended by Proclam ation No.380 / 2004 ) ” 4 / Sub - Article ( 2 ) of Article 3 of the Proclamation is deleted and replaced by the following new Sub - Article ( 2 ) : “ 2 / The institute is accountable to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development . " 5 / Article 5 of the Proclamation is deleted and replaced by the following new Article 5 : “ 5. Objective The objective of the Institute is to ensure the appropriate conservation and utilization of the country's biodiversity . ” 6 / Article 6 of the Proclamation is deleted and replaced by the following new Article 6 : “ 6. Powers and Duties The Institute shall have the following powers and duties to : The African Law Archive resources 1 / initiate policy and legislative proposals on conservation of the country's biodiversity and , upon approval , enforce and follow up their implementation ; 2 / explore and survey the diversity and distribution of the country's plant , animal , and microbial genetic resources ; collect samples for ex situ conservation and facilitate utilization these genetic research development ; 3 / ensure the conservation of the country's biodiversity using ex - situ and in - situ conservation methods ; 4 / identify and study localities where man - made and natural calamites are causing genetic erosion and from such assement recommend , to the concerned bodies , restoration of the lost materials in the locality from the ex - situ conserved germplasm and , upon its endorsement , facilitate and support its implementation ; 51 enrich that part of the country's biodiversity which can be utilized for its development through introduction of germplasm from international sources , and take appropriate measures based on international agreements to protect the interests of the country with regard to germplasm of Ethiopian origin and previously taken out of the country ; 6 / implement , in cooperation with the concerned bodies , treaties biodiversity to which Ethiopia is a party ; 7 / work in cooperation with the concerned federal and regional bodies with respect to conservation biodiversity ; 8 / register germplasm of Ethiopian origin and undertake studies , in particular , on those threatened by extinction to develop a strategy for their conservation ; The African Law Archive 91 identify processes that promote or threaten the existence of the country's biodiversity resources ; formulate and propose policy ideas to concerned authorities which enable to promote the healthy processes control threatening ones ; 10 / develop regional and international cooperation biodiversity conservation activities , and based on international agreements and national legislation appropriate action to maintain the sovereign rights of the country over its biodiversity ; 11 / study and develop systems and technical standards conservation of the country's biodiversity and create awareness on same among all concerned ; 12 / issue directives on the collection , dispatch , import and export of any biological specimen / sample and give permit to collect , dispatch , import or export same ; 13 / determine and collect commensurate fees for services it renders ; 14 / own property , enter into contracts , sue and be sued in its own name ; 15 / perform such other duties as are conducive to the attainment of its objectives . ” 7 / Article 8 of the Proclamation is deleted and Articles 9-17 are renumbered as Article 8-16 respectively . 8 / The phrases “ upon the recommendation of the Board ” in Sub - Article ( 1 ) and “ subject to the general directives of the Board , and through the Board from the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organi zation ” in Sub - Article ( 2 ) of Article 8 former Article 9 ) of the Proclamation are deleted . 9 / Sub - Article 3 ( f ) of Article 8 ( the former Article 9 ) of the Proclamation is deleted and replaced by the following new Sub Article 3 ( f ) : The African Law Archive “ f / prepare and submit to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development the reports of the Institute ; and submit Environmental Protection Authority annual reports the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity . 3. Effective Date This Proclamation shall enter into force on the 13th day of January , 2004 Done at Addis Ababa , this 13th day of January , 2004 PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive

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