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African Law Archive
Special Commercial Vehicle Regulation Legal Notice No 370/1969

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28th Year - - No. 21
Legal Notice No. 370 of 1969 Special Comm Regulations
1. Issuing Authority: These Regulations are issued by the Road Transport Administration pursuant to the authority vested in it by Article 10 of the Road Travel and Transport Proclamation, 1967 (Proclamation No. 256 of 1967) (here inafter the “ Proclamation ”).
ial Vehicle Registration
LEGAL NOTICE No. 370 OF 1969
The African Law Archive
Page 152
Short Title: These Regulations may be cited as the " Spe cial Commercial Vehicle Registration Regulations, 1969 ".
Definitions: The definitions of terms and phrases used throughout these Regulations shall be the same as those in corporated in the Proclamation; in addition ,
(1) " special commercial vehicle registration ", or as shorte ned herein " special registration ", shall mean the regi stration and obtaining of permits from the Administra tion by the owners of private or public commercial road transport vehicles in accordance with Articles 7 (2) and 10 (2) (j) of the Proclamation.
(2) " articulated vehicle " shall mean any vehicle consisting of a truck tractor, with no carrying capacity of its own, attached to and drawing a semi - trailer.
(3) " identification tag " shall mean the registration sticker which when properly attached to a vehicle in the man ner provided, indicates that the owner of the said vehi cle is the holder of a special registration issued in rela tion to that vehicle.

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