OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 7th Year No. 25 ADDIS ABABA - 24 May , 2001 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 237/2001 Sales and Excise Tax ( Amendment ) Proclamation Page 1509 PROCLAMATION NO . 237/2001 A PROCLAMATION TO AMEND THE SALES AND EXCISE TAX PROCLAMATION WHEREAS , it has become necessary to amend the Sales and Excise Tax Proclamation ; NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Article 55 ( 1 ) and ( 11 ) of the Constitution , it is hereby proclaimed as follows : This Proclamation may be cited as the “ Sales and Excise Tax ( Amendment ) Proclamation No. 237/2001 ” . The Sales and Excise Tax Proclamation No. 68/1993 ( as amended ) , is hereby further amended as follows : 1 ) “ Goods made of plastic ' ' referred to under No. 17 of Schedule " D " attached to the Proclamation is deleted . 2 ) Numbers 18 , 19 , 20 and 21 of Schedule “ D ' ' have become Numbers 17 , 18 , 19 , and 20 respectively . Unit Price The African Law Archive - No.24 24 May , 2001 -Page 1510 3. Effective Date This Proclamation shall come into force as of the 24'h day of May , 2001 . Done at Addis Ababa , this 24th day of May , 2001 . PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive
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