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African Law Archive
The Justice Sector Personnel Training Center Establishment Proclamation No. 364-2003

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OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 9 Year No. 89 ADDIS ABABA - 94 September , 2003 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 364/2003 The Justice Sector Personnel Training Center Establishment Proclamation Page 2366 PROCLAMATION No. 364/2003 . A PROCLAMATION TO PROVIDED FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF JUSTICE ORGANS PROFESSIONALS TRAINING CENTER WHEREAS , in building a democratic system the have well trained professionals , WHEREAS , to build the capacity of judges , prosecutors and other professionals in the justice system , it is necessary to NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Article 55 ( 1 ) of the constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Short Title This proclamation may be cited as “ The Justice Sector Personnel Training Center Establishment Proclamation No. 364/2003 . ” Unit Price The African Law Archive 9 ' ' September , 2003-- Page 2367 2. Definition 1 ) “ Justice organ ” mainly means the courts and the prosecutor office ; It may also include other organs whose work is related with justice . 2 ) “ Justice organ professionals ” means the judges , prosecutor , registrar and public defender it may also include others professionals who works in Justice organ . Establishment 1 ) The Justice Organs Professionals Training Center , hereinafter refereed to as “ the center " ' is hereby established as a federal institution having its own legal personality . 2 ) The center shall be accountable to the Federal Supreme Court . 4. Main Office The main office of the center shall be in Addis Ababa and it may have branch offices in any other places as necessary . 5. Objective The objectives of the center shall be ; 1 ) to enable the judicial system build itself with professionals having the highest professional com petences , integrity and who would be confided by the public and stand firm to the protection of the constitutional order . 2 ) to bring about Coordinated and uniform system of justice based on the principles of rule of law , transparency and accountability . 3 ) Provide sustainable and continuous training so as to bring about just , efficient and effective system of justice . 6. Powers and Duties of the center The center shall have the following powers and duties : 1 ) To train professionals who would join the federal state institutions of Justice as judges , prosecutors , public defenders or registrars and other professionals who would work in areas that have close relationship with the justice system ; 2 ) To provide sustainable and continuous job training to professionals who works in Federal and state institution as judges , prosucuter public defender . Registrars and others working in the justice organs to enhance their professional capacity . 3 ) To conduct research on ways and means of correc ting existing defects in the system with a view to developing a uniform and reliable working systems and procedures in the justice system that would be applicable in all places in the country , and to submit proposals to this effect . 4 ) To discuss on issues concerning the justice system and suggest reform proposals that would strengthen the justice system on its own initiative or in cooperation with local and foreign educational and training institutions . 5 ) To organize , prepare and distribute the necessary training materials . 6 ) To perform other functions , which would advance the objectives of the center . The African Law Archive 7. Organizational Structure The center shall have : 1 ) A Training council 2 ) A Director 3 ) two Deputy directors , and 4 ) the necessary staff 8. Members of the Training Council The council shall have the following as members : 1 ) The President of the Federal Supreme Court Chairperson 2 ) The President of the Federal High Court .. Member 3 ) The Minister of Justice 4 ) The Minister of Capacity building 5 ) Five presidents of regional supreme courts selected from among all regional supreme courts .. Members 6 ) The Director of the Center Member & Secretary 9. Powers and Duties of the Council The council shall have the following powers and duties : 1 ) Direct , organize and regulate the functions of the center . 2 ) Evaluate and approve the plans and programs of the center and submit budget proposals to the govern ment . 3 ) Decide on policy issues relating to training . 4 ) Approve periodic and annual reports of the center . 5 ) Issue directives concerning support and grants necessary for the attainment of the objectives of the center . 6 ) Determine the organizational structure , working directives and conditions of service of employees of the center . 7 ) Decide on other matters submitted to it by the Director of the center . 10. Meeting of the Council 1 ) The council shall meet at least once in three months . 2 ) Whenever necessary an emergency meeting may be called by the Chairperson of the council . 3 ) 50 % + 1 of the members of the Council shall form a 4 ) Decision of the Council shall be de by a simple majority . But whenever there is a tie the chairperson shall have a casting vote . 11. Appointment , powers and duties of the Director 1 ) The Director shall be appointed by the council on recommendation of the chairperson of the Council . 2 ) The Director shall direct and Coordinate the ac tivities of the center based on the directions given to him by the Council . 3 ) Without prejudice to Sub - Artic ! e ( 2 ) of this Article , the Director shall have the following powers and duties : ( a ) Prepare and submit short , medium and long term plans , program and budget of the center to the council and shall implement the same upon approval . ( b ) Disperse budget in accordance with the work plan and operate bank accounts of the center . The African Law Archive 9th September , 2003 — Page 2369 ( c ) Prepare and submit reports on the performance and financial expenditures of the center . ( d ) Hire and administer employees as necessary . ( e ) Represent the center in any dealing with third parties . ( f ) Execute the decisions of the council . ( g ) Perform other functions assigned to him by the council . 12. Deputy directors of the Center 1 ) The Deputy Directors shall be appointed by the council upon recommendation by the Director . 2 ) The deputy directors shall perform functions assig ned to them by the director . 3 ) They shall represent and deliver the functions of the Director during his absence . 13. Budget The budget of the center shall be drawn from the following sources : 1 ) Budgetary appropriations made by the government ; 2 ) Incomes that may be generated by the center ; 3 ) Funds from other sources . 14. Books of accounts 1 ) The center shall keep a complete and accurate books of accounts . 2 ) The accounts and financial documents of the center shall be audited annually by the Auditor General or an Auditor assigned by him . 15. Power to issue regulations The Federal Supreme Court shall have the power to issue regulations for the implementation of this proclamation . 16. Effective Date This Proclamation shall come into force as of the date of its publication in the Federal Negrit Gazeta . Done at Addis Ababa , this 9th day of September , 2003 . PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive

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