OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 5 Year No. 61 ADDIS ABABA - 29th June , 1999 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 177/1999 Registration and Control of Construction Machinery Proclamation Page 1117 PROCLAMATION No. 177/1999 A PROCLAMATION FOR THE REGISTRATION AND CONTROL OF CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY WHEREAS , it has become necessary to facilitate conditions enabling to strengthen the construction sector ; NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Article 55 ( 1 ) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia , it is hereby proclaimed as follows : 1. Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the “ Registration and Control of Construction Machinery Proclamation No. 177/1999 . ” 2. Definition In this proclamation : 1 ) “ Ministry ” means the Ministry of Works and Urban , Development ; 2 ) “ Construction Machinery ' ' means any machinery built for construction purposes and designated as such by the directive to be issued by the Ministry but does not include construction machinery which will be registered , pursuant to Proclamation No. 14/84 , by the Transport and Communication Bureaux of Regional States or Cities accountable to the Federal Government ; 3 ) “ Ownership Certificate ” means a certificate issued to the owners of a construction machinery . 4 ) “ Identification Mark ” means a letter or number or both affixed to the construction machinery . Unit Price The African Law Archive 3. Objectives The objectives of the registration and control of construc tion machinery shall be the following : 1 ) register the type and quantity of both government and privately owned construction machineries . 2 ) facilitate conditions so that construction machineries can be used for mortgage and other similar purposes . 4. Power and Duties of the Ministry The Ministry shall have the following powers and duties : 1 ) organize personnel and equipment needed for the work ; 2 ) register construction machineries , issue ownership certificate , and supervise the manner they are brought in and out of the country ; 3 ) issue identification marks for construction machineries and ensure that the marks are affixed to the machineries ; 4 ) determine the place and time for the inspection of construction machineries ; 5 ) inspect construction machineries and issue fitness certificate ; and ensure that unfit construction machineries are not used for construction purposes ; 6 ) collect fees determined by the Regulations which will be issued in accordance with this Proclamation for the services it renders . 5. Power to Issue Regulations or Directives 1 ) The Council of Ministers may issue Regulations for the implementation of this Proclamation . 2 ) The ministry may issue a directive for the proper implementation of this Proclamation and the Regulations which will be issued in accordance with this Proclamation . Any person or organization that contravenes the provisions of this Proclamation shall be punishable in accordance with the relevant penal law . 7. Repeal The Ethiopian Roads Authority Re - establishment ( Amendment ) proclamation No.122 / 1995 is hereby repealed . 8. Effective Date This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the 29th day of June , 1999 . PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive
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