25th Year No, 18
Addis Ababa, 30th June, 1966
Proclamation No. 235 of 1966
United States of America Agricultural Com modities Loan Agreement Proclamation, 1966 Page 90 Proclamation No. 236 of 1966
Ethiopian Development and Hotel Company Export - Import Bank of Washington Credit Agreement Guarantee Proclamation, 1966
Proclamation No 237 of 1966
United States of America Commodities Loan Agreement Proclamation, 1966
The African Law Archive *
Proclamation No. 238 of 1966
United States of America Economic Projects Loan Agreement Proclamation, 1966.
WHEREAS, an Agreement between the Imperial Ethi opian Government and the Government of the United States of America providing for the granting by the Government of
ernment of a loan up to the amount of five million four hundred and twenty thousand U.S. dollars (U.S. $ 5,420,000) to finance purchases of agricultural commodities was signed at Addis Ababa on the seventeenth day of August, 1965, and
WHEREAS, said Loan Agreement has been submitted to Our Chamber of Deputies and Senate for their approval; and WHEREAS, Our Chamber of Deputies and Senate have duly approved said Loan Agreement; and
WHEREAS, We on this 29th day of June, 1966, have ratified said Loan Agreement ;
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Page 92
PROCLAMATION No. 235 of 1966
A Proclamation to Approve a Loan Agreement Between the Imperial Ethiopian Government and the Government of the United States of America CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I
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NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 30, 34, 88 and 119 of Our Revised Constitution, We approve the resolutions of Our Chamber of Deputies and Senate and We hereby proclaim as follows:
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