OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 2 Year No. 27 ADDIS ABABA - 4th July , 1996 CONTENTS Regulations No. 6/1996 Customs Tariffs Council of Ministers ( Amendment ) Regulations ..... Page 195 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS NO.6 / 1996 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS TO AMEND THE CUSTOMS TARIFFS REGULATIONS These Regulations are issued by the Council of Minis of the International Convention on the Harmonized Com modity Description and Coding System Ratification Proclamation No.67 / 1993 . These Regulations may be cited as the “ Customs Tariffs Council of Ministers ( Amendment ) Regulations No.6 / The Second Schedule of the Customs Tariffs Classification System of Goods and Rates attached to the Customs Tariffs Council of Ministers Regulations No. 122/1993 ( as amen ded ) is hereby further amended as follows : 1. Article B ( 2 ) ( b ) is hereby deleted and replaced by the following new Article B ( 2 ) ( b ) : ( b ) Ethiopian Returnees and Expatriates Arriving Under Cooperation Agreements ( i ) Ethiopians returning after absence on service in Ethiopian diplomatic missions or on other governmental assignments , on a study leave , Unit Prices The African Law Archive * - No. 27 4 » July 1996 – Page 196 personal business , asylum or on other causes or in response to special calls made by the Government may bring in their personal effects free of duty , in accordance with a list specified by directives of the Federal Govern ment Revenues Board . ( ii ) Expatriates arriving under cooperation agreements , entered into by the Ethiopian Government with various governments and international organizations or with other or ganizations , may bring in their personal ef fects free of duty in accordance with a list specified by directives of the Federal Govern ment Revenues Board . " new Article B ( 4 ) : “ 4. Goods Imported by Agencies of the Ethiopian Govem ment and Non - Governmental Aid Organizations ( a ) Capital Goods imported by Ethiopian Government agencies and non - governmental aid organizations shall enter free of duty upon ascertainment by the Ethiopian Investment Authority , after examination of project documents submitted to it by the ap propriate federal agency or regional government bureau , that such goods are related with the project or qualify for exemption from duty as under investment laws . ( b ) Duty shall be paid , in accordance with the Customs Tariffs Regulations , on other goods imported by the agencies and organizations referred to under sub Article ( a ) of this Article . ( c ) The Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commis sion shall obtain budgetary allocations and pay duties on food stuff , medical equipment and similar other supplies imported by governmental and non governmental aid organizations in response to an emergency relief call made by itself . ” “ 10. Special Responsibility ( a ) The Ethiopian Investment Authority is hereby entrusted with the responsibility to facilitate the implementation of the duty - free privilege granted hereunder by way of ascertaining , after ex amination of documents submitted to it by federal agencies and regional government bureaux con cerned with the project , that capital goods impor ted by agencies of the Ethiopian Government and non - governmental aid organizations are related with the given project as required under these Regulations . ( b ) The Ethiopian Investment Authority shall issue directives prescribing the contents of the data to be submitted to it by Regional Governments concerning projects carried out by government agencies and non - governmental aid ganizations . " The African Law Archive 3. Effective Date These Regulations shall enter into force as of the 8th day of July , 1996 . Done at Addis Ababa , this 4ch day of July , 1996 . PRIME MINISTER OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA * The African Law Archive
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