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Textile and Leather Industry Development Center Establishment Council of Ministers Regulations No.125/2006

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OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 12 Year No. 27 ADDIS ABABA - 19 May , 2006 CONTENTS Council of Ministers Regulations No.125 / 2006 Council of Ministers Regulations to Establish Textile and Leather Industry Development Center ......... COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS NO.125 / 2006 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS TO ESTABLISH TEXTILE AND LEATHER INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT CENTER These Regulations are issued by the Council of Ministers pursuant to Article 5 of the Definition of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 471/2005 . These Regulations may be sited as the “ Textile and Leather Industry Development Center Establishment Council of Ministers Regulations No. 125/2006 " 2. Definitions In this Regulations ; 1 ) “ Ministry ” or “ Minister " means the Ministry or Minister of Trade and Industry respectively . 2 ) “ Textile and Leather Industry ” or “ Sector ” means Textile and apparel or leather and leather products industry or both . Unite Price The African Law Archive 3 ) “ Supply Chain ” means the network of organizations that involved through upstream and downstream linkages and interdependence , in the manufacturing process of the sector , starting from the supply of inputs to the market end . “ One Stop Shop Service ” means the rendering of supports and services to users or causing to be rendered , at a central point , by strengthening and enhancing the integration of supply chain activities in order to enable the industry to be competitive and successful . 3. Establishment 1 ) There is hereby established the Textile and Leather Industry Development Center ( herein after " Center " ) as an autonomous Federal Government Organ having its own legal personality . 2 ) The Center shall be accountable to the Ministry of Trade and Industry . 4. Head Office The Center shall have its Head Office in Addis Ababa and may have branch offices in other places , as deemed necessary . 5. Objective of the Center The objective of the Center shall be to provide or cause to be provided the necessary supports and services of the basis of one stop shop service and enhance the competitiveness of the Textile and Leather Industry Sector . 1 ) Provide those technical supports and consultancy services for existing as well as potential investors in the textile and leather industry , in order to make them successful ; 2 ) Create and coordinate conducive atmosphere for developing production and marketing linkages among the stakeholders who are involved in the supply chain framework of the sector and strengthen the linkages ; 3 ) Conduct studies which enhance the development of the Textile and Leather Industry , draw up short , medium and long term development plans and implementation schedules ; 4 ) Undertake market research in the industry , develop strategies and systems to implement the market study and disseminate the results to users and make policy proposals ; 5 ) Collect , analyze , and compile information which is relevant to the development of the industry and disseminate the same to users ; 6 ) Establish information linkage systems among support providers and support seekers in the industry and create conducive situations for the smooth flow of such information ; The African Law Archive * 7 ) Receive relevant service seekers applications in order to directly handle the matter or cause to be handled by others , depending on the nature of the application ; 8 ) Extend supports to those public and private development forces which are engaged or wish to engage in the industry in order to strengthen their alliance and cooperation ; 9 ) Undertake , coordinate and administer the sector's Public and Private Partnership forum ; 10 ) Undertake plan implementation evaluation , and prepare report of the same ; 11 ) Can Demand payment for various services it renders ; 12 ) Undertake those relevant activities that may be delegated to it from other Government and Non Government ' organizations ' to speed - up the sector's development . 7. Organization of the Center The Center shall have : 1 ) A Director General to be appointed by the Government and ; 2 ) The necessary staff . The Director General shall be the chief executive officer of the Center and based on general directions given by the Ministry shall direct and administer the activities of the Center . Without limiting the generality of Sub - Article 1 of this Article , the Director General shall : ( a ) Implement the powers and duties of the Center specified in Article 6 of these Regulations ; ( b ) Employ and administer personnel of the Center in accordance with the Federal Civil service laws and directives of salary scale and other benefits to be approved by the Government ; ( c ) Prepare and submit to the Ministry the work program and budget of the Center and implement and effect payment upon approval ; ( d ) Represent the Centre in its dealings with third parties ; ( e ) Submit to the Ministry the performance and financial reports of the Center ; 3 ) The Director General may delegate part of his / her powers and duties to other officers and employees of the Center to the extent necessary for the effective performance of the activities of the Center . The African Law Archive 9. Budget The Center shall carry out its duties with the budget to be allocated by the Federal State : 1 ) The Center shall keep complete and accurate books of accounts . 2 ) The Books of accounts and financial documents of the Center shall be audited annually by the Office of the Auditor General or by an auditor assigned by it . 11. Effective Date These Regulations shall come into force on the date Done At Addis Ababa this 16 day of June , 2006 Prime Minister of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia The African Law Archive

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