OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 10 Year No. 17 ADDIS ABABA - 13th January 2004 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 382/2004 Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization Establishment ( Amendment ) Proclamation Page 2528 PROCLAMATION NO.382 / 2004 . A PROCLAMATION TO AMEND THE ETHIOPIA AGRICULTURAL RSEARCH ORGANIZATION ESTABLISHMENT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS , it has become necessary to amend the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization Establishment Proclamation ; NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Article 55 ( 1 ) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia , it is hereby proclaimed as follows : 1. Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the “ Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization Establishment ( Amendment ) Proclamation No. 382/2004 . ” 2. Amendment The Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization Establishment Proclamation No. 79/1997 is hereby amended as follows : 1 / Sub - Article ( 2 ) of Article 3 of the Proclamation is deleted and replaced by the following new Sub Article ( 2 ) : “ 2 / The Organization shall be accountable to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development . ” Unit Price The African Law Archive 2 / The designation “ Agricultural Research Board ” under Sub - Article ( 1 ) of Article 7 of the Proclamation is deleted and replaced by the " Agricultural Research Advisory Board . " 3 / The phrase “ upon presentation by the Board ” under Sub - Article ( 2 ) of Article 7 of the Proclamation is deleted . 4 / Article 9 of the Proclamation is deleted and replaced by the following new Article 9 : “ 9 / Powers and Duties of the Board The Board shall deliberate and forward recommendation on : agricultural research proposals , programmes and projects ; and 2 / other issues that contribute towards achieving objectives Organization . " 5 / The word “ Board ” under Sub - Article 2 ( b ) , ( c ) and ( f ) of Article 11 of the Proclamation is deleted and replaced by the “ Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development . ” 6 / The phrase “ in accordance with the directives approved by the Board ” under Sub - Article 2 ( e ) of Article 11 of the Proclamation is deleted . 3. Effective Date This Proclamation shall enter into force on the 134 day of January , 2004 Done at Addis Ababa , this 13th day of January , 2004 PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive
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