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African Law Archive
Customs Tariffs Council of Ministers (Amendment) Regulation No. 89-2003

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OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 9th Year No. 83 ADDIS ABABA - 184h July , 2003 CONTENTS Council of Minister Regulation No.89 / 2003 The Customs Tariffs council of ministers Amend ment Regulation Page 2332 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS NO . 89/2003 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS TO AMEND THE CUSTOMS TARIFFS REGULATIONS This regulation is issued by the Council of Ministers the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 4/1995 and Article 4 of the No. 67/1993 . 1. Short Title This Regulation may be cited as the “ Customs Tariffs Council of Ministers ( Amendment ) Regulation No.89 2. Amendment The Second Schedule of the Customs Tariffs Clas sification System of goods and Rates attached to the Customs Tariffs Council of Ministers Regulation No. 122/1993 ( as amended ) is hereby further amended as follows : Unit Price The African Law Archive Article B ( 4 ) a is hereby deleted and replaced by the following new Article B ( 4 ) a . “ 4. Goods Imported by Agencies the Ethiopian Government Non - Governmental Organizations . ( a ) Ministry of Revenues shall permit duty free entrance of Capital Goods and machineries imported by Ethiopian government agencies and non - governmental agencies after ascer taining that they are fixed capital goods and machineries , based on the project and contract documents submitted to it by the appropriate federal agency or regional government 2. Sub - Article 10 is hereby deleted and replaced by the following new Sub - Article 10 . “ 10. Responsibility ( a ) The Ministry of Revenues is hereby entrusted with the responsibility to facilitate the im plementation of the duty - free privilege granted hereunder by way of ascertaining , after ex amination of documents sumitted to it by federal agencies and regional government bureau concerned with the project , that capital goods imported by agencies of the Ethiopian Government non -- governmental aid organizations are related with the given project as required under this Regulation . ” 3. Effective Date Grips Archive.com This Regulation shall enter into force as of the 12ch day of August 2003 . Done at Addis Ababa , this 18th day of July , 2003 . PRIME MINISTER OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive

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