OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 12 Year No. 17 ADDIS ABABA .. January 20,2006 CONTENTS Council of Ministers Regulations No. 121/2006 Ethiopian Civil Service College Re - Establishment Council of Ministers Regulations Page 3380 . COUNCIL OF MINISTERSRREGEULATIONS No.121 / 2006 REGULATIONS TO PROVDE FOR THE RE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ETHIOPIAN CIVIL SERVICE COLLEGE These Regulations are issued by the Council of Ministers Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic PART ONE GENERAL 1. Short Title These Regulations may be cited as the “ Ethiopian Civil Service College Re - establishment Council of Ministers Regulations No.121 / 2006 " . 2. Definition In these Regulations “ Proclamation " means the Higher Education Proclamation No. 351/2003 . Unite Price The African Law Archive PART TWO RE - ESTABLISHMENT , OBJECTIVES POWERS AND DUTIES 3. Re - establishment 1 ) The Ethiopian Civil Service College ( hereinafter called the “ College " ) is hereby re - established as an autonomous public higher education institution having its own legal personality . 2 ) The College shall be accountable to the Ministry of Capacity Building . The College shall , with a view to improving the professional and leadership capacity and ethical standards of the Ethiopian Civil Service , have the following objectives : 1 ) to design training and educational programs and provide same using various modalities ; 2 ) to conduct research ; 3 ) to provide consultancy services ; 4 ) to formulate standards and certify professionals . 5. Powers and Duties of the College Without prejudice to Article 14 of the Proclamation , the College shall have the powers and duties to : 1 ) design and provide short term courses and specialized undergraduate and graduate pro grams ; 2 ) undertake research and provide consultancy services ; 3 ) formulate standards and based on such standards confer professional certification in auditing and accountancy ; 4 ) confer certificates , diplomas and degrees and award medals and titles for ' excellence and meritorious contributions ; 5 ) establish institutes , centers and other academic , research and service units ; 6 ) establish income generating enterprises and income fund ; 7 ) form partnership with foreign and local institutions having similar objectives ; 8 ) establish a system for facilitating exchange of information within the college ; 9 ) own property , enter into contracts , sue and be sued in its own name ; 10 ) carry out such other activities as are necessary for the attainment of its objectives . PART THREE POLICY - MAKING AND EXECUTIVE ORGANS OF THE COLLEGE 6. Establishment of the College's Administrative Board 1 ) The College shall have an Administrative Board ( hereinafter called the “ Board ” ) that shall be accountable to the Ministry of Capacity Building and which shall consist of a chairperson and other six members to be appointed by the Minister . 2 ) The Board shall have its own Secretary . The African Law Archive 7. Powers and Duties of the Board Without prejudice to Article 35 of the Proclamation , the Board shall have the powers and duties to : 1 ) promote the College's mission and interests ; 2 ) recommend the appointment of the college President and Vice President to the Prime Minister ; 3 ) Issue the general policies and internal regulations by which the College shall be governed regarding its provision of training and education , undertaking of research and consultancy , and professional certification ; 4 ) oversee the administration of human , material , and financial resources of the College in such a manner and for such purposes consistent with government policies ; 5 ) determine the organization of the College ; 6 ) provide general direction regarding the College's income generation ; 7 ) , designate auditor of the College in accordance with the relevant law and determine its fee ; 8 ) ensure broad and democratic participation in the decision making process within the College ; 9 ) approve the highest titles or ranks to be bestowed upon College staff in accordance with the internal regulations of the College ; 10 ) approve the strategic and annual plans of the College , submit its budget to the Government and oversee the implementation of same ; 11 ) without prejudice to Article 35771 of the Proclamation , issue administrative regulations of the academic and administrative staff ; 12 ) perform such other functions as are conducive to the attainment of the College's objectives . awArchrift 8. Establishment of the College's Senate There is hereby established the College's Senate accountable to the President and which shall consist of the following members : 1 ) the President ... .Chairperson 2 ) The Vice Presidents ........ .Members 3 ) Directors of Institutes , Centers and Graduate School .. .Members 4 ) Public Relations and Marketing Officer ... ..Member 5 ) Director of the Planning and Management Support Unit ..Member 6 ) Head of Library and Information Resources . Member 7 ) Registrar ....... .Member 8 ) Director of Student Service's ....... .Member 9 ) Head of Curriculum and Pedagogical Center ...... Member 10 ) Representatives of academic staff from each Institute , Center and Graduate School ... .Members 11 ) Two representatives of students .Members 12 ) Head of Center for Women in Management .. ..Member 13 ) a representative of the administrative staff .Member The African Law Archive 9. Powers and Duties of the College's Senate Without prejudice to Article 37 of the Proclamation , the Senate shall have the powers and duties to : discuss the plan and budget of the college and forward it to the Board through the President ; 2 ) without prejudice to the powers of the Board , issue academic directives on students administration , education , human resource development and improvement as well as discipline ; ensure the relevance and quality of the training , education , research and consultancy services of the College ; devise mechanisms of support for recruitment , admission and retention of students from disadvantaged regions , female , disabled and adult students ; set special admission procedures for adults and experienced students ; without prejudice to the powers of the Board , formulate criteria for admission , withdrawal and readmission of students ; 7 ) determine academic standards including guidelines for determining the nature and methods of examinations ; based on the academic standards , decide on granting of degrees , diplomas , certificates and other awards of the College ; based on directives issued by decide on the promotion of lecturers , assistant lecturers , graduate assistants and technical assistants when submitted to it by Academic Commission ; 10 ) . Recommend to the Board for its approval the conferring of highest titles and ranks within the College or other honorary titles to be conferred ; approve the opening of new educational programs ; examine and approve issues of merger presented to it ; examine and approve curricula of Centers , Institutes and Graduate School of the College ; determine its own rules of procedures for conducting meetings . 10. Executive Officers of the College 1 ) The College shall have a President and two Vice Presidents . The President and Vice Presidents shall be appointed by the Prime Minister recommendation by the Board . Without prejudice to Article 40 of the Proclamation , the President shall have the powers and duties to : 1 ) provide overall leadership to the College ; direct , administer and control the College in such a way so as to make it effective and efficient ; 2 ) Promote and support the vision , mission and values of the College and protect its interests ; 3 ) assign directors , deputy directors and other officers of the different organs of the College ; prepare and submit to the Board the work program and budget of the College . The African Law Archive 12. Powers and Duties of the Academic Vice President Without prejudice to Article 41 of the Proclamation , the Academic Vice President shall be accountable to the President of the College and shall have the powers and duties to : 1 ) design ways and means of promoting the relevance and quality of the training , educational , research and consultancy programmes and activities of the College and supervise same ; 2 ) encourage and support members of the academic staff to develop their profession and to demonstrate excellence ; ensure the existence of a congenial learning , research and consultancy environment for academic staff and learners ; 4 ) approve the employment of academic personnel ; 5 ) coordinate and direct the overall academic , training and research activities of the College ; 6 ) prepare and submit plans and performance reports to the President and follow up implementation of the Plans . Powers and Duties of the Vice President for Development and Administration Without Prejudice to Art . 41 of the Proclamation , the Vice President for Development and Administration shall be accountable to the President of the College and shall have powers and duties to : 1 ) enhance the creation and sustenance of enabling environment with regard smooth administrative function within the College for the fulfillment of the College's mission and objectives ; 2 ) without prejudice to the College's objectives , de sign ways to expand the source of income of the College ; ensure the maintenance and continuous impro vement of service delivery standards and practices with the College . design ways to enable professional and administrative staff of the College to excel in their performances ; coordinate , direct and control the administrative and financial affairs and infrastructure projects of the College ; prepare and submit plans and performance reports to the President , and follow up implementation of the plans . 1 ) Each Institute , Centre and Graduate School shall establish an Academic Commission . 2 ) The Academic Commission shall be accountable to the respective Director of the Institute , Centre or Graduate School and shall consist of the following members . the Director of the Institute , Center or Graduate School .. ..Chairperson ( b ) the Deputy Director ........... .Member The African Law Archive ( c ) Heads of Department of the Institute , Ceriter or Graduate School .. ..members . ( d ) representative of the academic staff ... ..Member ( e ) representative of students .............. Member ( f ) representative of female students ... Member ( g ) continuing education coordinator of the Institute , Center or Graduate School ... Member 15. Powers and Duties of Academic Commissions Without prejudice to the powers and duties of the Board , the Senate , the President and the Vice Presidents of the College , each Academic commission shall have the powers and duties to : 1 ) prepare plans and budgets of the Institute , Center or Graduate School and , upon approval , follow up the implementation of same ; prepare curricula of training and educational programs and implement same upon approval ; 3 ) examine the employment of the academic personnel and submit to the Academic Vice President for approval ; 4 ) promote the development of the highest level of professional integrity and ethical standards among staff and students of the Institute , Center or Graduate School ; 5 ) submit recommendation on the promotion and the rank of the academic personnel and technical assistants to the Senate for approval ; 6 ) enhance relevant and quality programs and services on a continuous basis to meet expressed needs in line with the College's objectives ; 7 ) recommend to the Senate for approval learners in the respective Institute , Centre or Graduate school who attained the required standard of proficiency and deserve to be granted degrees , diplomas , certificates or other awards of the College ; 8 ) design ways and means to support learners of the disadvantaged regions , women and persons with incapacity ; 9 ) perform such other duties as may be given by the Senate and the President ; 10 ) determine its own rules of procedures for conducting meetings . 16. Other Organs of the College The Board may establish organs of the College other than those indicated above and define their powers and duties . The African Law Archive PART FOUR Income Generation and Fund Sub - Part one Income Generating Enterprise 17. Establishment of Enterprise A body ( hereinafter called the “ Enterprise " ) accountable to the ollege's Vice President for Development and Administration , which shall run income generating activities of the College autonomously is hereby established . 18. Capital of the Enterprise 1 ) Without prejudice to Article 49 of the proclamation , where appropriate , subject to Government financial laws the Board may determine the capital of the Enterprise . 2 ) Without prejudice to Article 49 of the Proclamation , incomes generated by academic and non academic units of the college shall be incomes of the enterprise . 19. Powers and Duties of the Enterprise The Enterprise shall , subject to the internal rules of the College , have the powers and duties to : 1 ) provide consultancy services ; 2 ) provide internet cafes and computer services ; 3 ) provide sales services of books and other publications ; 4 ) rent facilities ; 5 ) provide other related income generating services . 20. Power and Duties of the Manager The Manager of the Enterprise shall : 1 ) direct and administer the Enterprise ; 2 ) administer the employees of the College assigned to the Enterprise as per the rules of the College ; 3 ) prepare and submit , through the President of the College , to the Board plans and budgets of the Enterprise , and implement same upon approval ; 4 ) operate the bank account of the Enterprise opened in the name of the College ; 5 ) ensure that financial and accounting systems of the Enterprise are consistent with financial laws of the country ; 6 ) perform such other duties in connection with the Enterprise . 21. Submission of Reports The Manager of the Enterprise shall , within three months after the end of its fiscal year , submit the financial and activity reports of the enterprise to the College's Vice President for development and Administration . SUB - PART TWO Income Fund 22. Establishment The College's Income Fund is hereby established having the aim and source of income as provided in Articles 53 to 55 of the Proclamation . The African Law Archive 23. Organs of the Fund 1 ) The Fund shall have : ( a ) an Administrative Board ( hereinafter referred to as the “ Fund's Board ” ) ; and ( b ) a Secretariat . 2 ) The Fund's Board shall be accountable to the College's President . 1 ) The fund's Board shall have five members assigned by the President of the College . 2 ) The term of office of members of the Fund's Board shall be two years . 3 ) In case of any inability of the members to discharge their duties , new members shall be appointed . 25. Powers and Duties of the Fund's Board The Fund's Board shall have the powers and duties to : 1 ) supervise the implementation of the objectives of the Fund and issue the necessary directives for the execution of same ; 2 ) examine and approve reports submitted by the Secretariat on the proper utilization of incomes generated from the different sources of the Fund for their intended purposes ; 3 ) ensure that the income of the Fund are duly collected ; 4 ) submit reports on its activities to the President of the College ; 5 ) carry out such other activities necessary for the achievement of the objectives of the Fund . 26. Meetings of the Fund's Board The procedures for conducting meetings of the Fund's Board and voting shall be determined by directives of the Board . 27. Powers and Duties of the Secretariat The Secretariat shall have the powers and duties to : 1 ) prepare annual budget , activity and financial reports , and submit same for approval by the Fund's Board ; 2 ) examine projects financed by the Fund , and approve budget for their implementation in accordance with directives issued by the Fund's Board ; 3 ) identify additional sources of income for the Fund ; 4 ) keep minutes , reports and working papers of the Fund's Board ; ensure the proper implementation of decisions of the Fund's Board ; 5 ) execute such other duties given to it by the Fund's Board . The African Law Archive January 20 , 2006 Page 3388 28. Powers and Duties of Director of the Secretariat The Director of the Secretariat of the Fund shall be accountable to the Fund's Board on matters related to the Fund and exercise the powers and duties of the Secretariat provided under Article 27 of these Regulations . PART FIVE Miscellaneous Provisions 29. Repealed Laws 1 ) The Ethiopian Civil Service College Establishment Council of Ministers Regulations No.23 / 1996 are hereby repealed . 2 ) Any regulations or directives inconsistent with the provisions of these Regulations shall not be applic able with respect to matters provided for by these Regulations . 30. Effective Date These Regulations shall enter into force on the date of Done at Addis Ababa , this March day of 31 , 2006 . PRIME MINISTER OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive
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