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African Law Archive
Cooperatives Commission Establishment Proclamation No. 274-2002

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OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 8th Year No. 21 ADDIS ABABA - 14 May , 2002 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 274/2002 “ Cooperatives ) Commission Proclamation Establishment Page 1748 PROCLAMATION NO . 274/2002 A PROCLAMATION TO ESTABLISH COOPERATIVES ' COMMISSION WHEREAS , it has become necessary to enable the rural cooperatives societies different in type and standard ; WHEREAS , it has become imperative to establish an autonomous organ responsible for registering and supporting achieve the above mentioned objective ; NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Article 55 ( 1 ) Proclamation No. 147/1998 , it is hereby proclaimed as follows : This Proclamation may be cited as the " Cooperatives ' Commission Establishment Proclamation No. 274/2002 . 2. Establishement 1 ) The Cooperatives ' Commission ( hereinafter referred to as " the Commission " ) , is hereby established as an autonomous Federal Government Organ ,. 2 ) The Commission shall be accountable to the Minis try of Rural Development . Unit Price INegarit G.POBox 80,001 The African Law Archive 3. Head Office The Head Office of the Commission shall be in Addis Ababa . The objective of the Commission is to enable rural and urban working people to solve the economic and social problem they face by themselves and become self - reliant by being organized in cooperatives different in type and standard depending on the local resources . 5. Powers and Duties of the Commission The Commission shall have the powers and duties to : 1 ) formulate policies and prepare draft laws suitable for the activities and development of cooperative societies , and submit the same to the government and follow up their implementation ; 2 ) encourage that the organization of cooperative societies be in accordance with Cooperatives ' Proclamation No. 147/98 and in line with the international principles of cooperatives ' ganization ; 3 ) direct and supervise cooperatives ' training institute to be set up at federal level ; 4 ) undertake research and study to promote traditional and local self - help associations to modern cooperative societies , it shall make known and disseminate the results of the study , and follows up the implementation thereof ; 5 ) make that the values , principles , organization , and benefits of the cooperatives be further known by the society and educational establishments ; 6 ) organize , register , and issue licenses of the legal personality to , the cooperative societies to be or ganized at federal level , and the cooperative societies to be established by : ( a ) two or more primary societies found in different regions , and unable to be organized at regional level due to their peculiar nature ; ( b ) regional cooperative societies found in two or more regions ; ( c ) the union cooperative societies organized pur suant to ( a ) and ( b ) of this Sub - Article , or by the union of different cooperative societies or ganized pursuant to ( b ) of this Sub Article ; 7 ) audit and inspect the accounts of cooperative societies to be set up at federal level and assign a liquidator , cancel them from its record when dis solved : and it shall provide uniform standards of accounting and audit for cooperative societies throghout the country ; 8 ) promote the product of the cooperative societies so that they may find market , and facilitate conditions in order to bring consumers and producers to direct communication in the home market ; 9 ) provide professional and technical_support to process agricultural products of the cooperative societies to industrial products so that they will have better added - value , and to develop artisans products ; 10 ) provide professional assistance to create the or ganization of cooperatives based on the culture and experiences of pastoralists and which enables them to improve their living contitions ; The African Law Archive 11 ) facilitate , in cooperation with regions as may be necessary , means to provide support for societies by studying and preparing projects suitable for the development of cooperative societies ; 12 ) facilitate conditions to enable the cooperative societies in different regions to exchange their products and information about the market , and to share experiences with one another ; 13 ) provide technical and professional assistnace for the bureaux and cooperative societies to be set up in the regions ; 14 ) establish relationship with concerned local and international organizations in order to expedite the progress and the activities of the cooperative societies ; 15 ) formulate and distribute model by - laws of societies which may vary according to the type and level of societies ; 16 ) submit reports on its performances to the concerned government organ ; 17 ) own property , enter into contracts , sue and be sued in its own name ; 18 ) carry out other duties helpful for the implemen tation of its objectives . 6. Organization of the Commission The Commission shall have : 1 ) A Commissioner and a Deputy Commissioner to be appointed by the gevernment ; and 2 ) The necessary staff . 7. Powers and Duties of the Commissioner 1 ) The Commissioner is the Chief Executive of the Commission and , shall direct and administer the activities of the Commission . 2 ) Without prejudice to Sub - Article ( 1 ) of the Article , the Commissioner shall : ( a ) discharge the powers and duties stated in Article 5 herein ; ( b ) employ and administer the staff of the Commis sion pursuant to the Federal Civil Service Laws ; ( c ) draw up work programmes and budget ; and implement the same upon approval ; ( d ) effect expenditures in accordance with approval work programmes and budget of the commis sion ; ( e ) represent the Commission in all its dealings with third parties ; ( f ) present reports on the activities of the Commis sion . 3 ) The Commissioner may delegate part of his powers and duties to other officials and employees of the Commission to the extent necessary for the ef ficiency of the Commission . The Deputy Commissioner 1 ) He shall act on behalf of the Commissioner in his absence . 2 ) He shall carry out other activities to be entrusted to him by the Commissioner . 9. Budget The income of the Commission shall be drawn from the following sources : ( a ) the budget allocated by the Federal Government . ( b ) aid received from domestic and foreign donors and other resources . 10. Books of Accounts 1 ) The Commission shall keep complete and accurate books of accounts . The African Law Archive 2 ) The books of accounts and financial documents of the commission shall be audited annually by the Auditor General or by auditors assigned by him . 11. Inapplicable Laws Any law inconsistent with this Proclamation shall not be applicable to matters provided for herein . Transfer of Rights and Obligations All rights and obligations relating to the matters provided for by this Proclamation and given to other organs are hereby tranferred to the Commission . 13. Effective Date This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the 14th day of May , 2002 . Done at Addis Ababa , this 14h day of May , 2002 . PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive

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