OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 10 Year No.18 ADDIS ABABA- 13th January 2004 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 383/2004 Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission Establishment / Amendment / Proclamation ... Page 2530 PROCLAMATION NO . 383/2004 . A PROCLAMATION TO AMEND THE DISASTER PREVENTION AND PREPAREDNESS COMMISSION ESTABLISHMENT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS , it has become necessary to amend the Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission Establishment Proclamation ; NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Article 55 ( 1 ) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia , it is hereby proclaimed as follows : This Proclamation may be cited as the “ Disaster Prevention Preparedness Commission Establishment ( Amendment ) Proclamation No. 2. Amendment Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission Establishment Proclamation No. 10/1995 is hereby amended as follows : 11 Article 2 of the Proclamation is deleted and replaced by the following new Article 2 : Unit Price The African Law Archive 2. “ Definitions In this Proclamation : 1 / “ disaster ” means the development of a situation wherein a segment of the community or the population of a locality cannot any longer meet the need for food and other basic necessities , due to unpredictable natural or man - made calamities , with its daily life thus falling into crisis which renders it unable to survive without assistance from others ; 2 / " assistance " include all measures taken to meet the need of the victims of disaster for food and other basic necessities of life ; 3 / “ assistance programme ” includes the provision of financial aid , the supply and distribution of food and other materials necessary for a living , the availability of clean drinking water , support in health and nutrients and the prevention of destruction to rural wealth such as animals . " 2 / Sub - Article ( 2 ) of Article 3 of the Proclamation is deleted and replaced by the following new Sub Article ( 2 ) : “ 2 / The Commission shall be accountable to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development . ” 3 / Sub - Article ( 1 ) of Article 5 of the Proclamation is deleted and Sub - Article ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) are renumbered as Sub - Article ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) respectively . 4 / Sub - Article ( 2 ) of Article 6 of the Proclamation is deleted Sub - Articles renumbered Sub - Articles respectively . 5 / Article 8 of the Proclamation is deleted and replaced by the following new Article 8 : “ 8 / Members of the Committee Members of the Committee including the chairperson shall be designated by the Government , and their number shall be determined as necessary . ” The African Law Archive 6 / Sub - Articles ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) of Article 10 of the Proclamation are deleted . 3. Effective Date This Proclamation shall enter into force on the 13th day of January , 2004 Done at Addis Ababa , this 13th day of January , 2004 PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive
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