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African Law Archive
Registration of Ships Council of Ministers Regulations No. 1-1996

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OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 2 Year No. 9 ADDIS ABABA - 134 February , 1996 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 21/1996 Republic of Tunisia Trade Agreement Ratification Proclamation ........ Council of Ministers Regulations No. 1/1995 Registration of Ships Council of Ministers Regulations Page 115 Page 116 PROCLAMATION NO . 21/1996 A PROCLAMATION TO RATIFY THE TRADE AGREEMENT WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF TUNISIA WHEREAS , the Transitional Government of Ethiopia Tunis on the 3rd day of November , 1994 ; WHEREAS , it is stipulated in the Agreement that the of notes confirming its ratification in compliance with the WHEREAS , the House of Peoples ' Representatives of NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Article 55 sub - Articles ( 1 ) and ( 12 ) of the Constitution , it is hereby 1. Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the “ Republic of Tunisia Trade Agreement Ratification Proclamation No. Unit Price * The African Law Archive * 2. Ratification of the Agreement The Trade Agreement signed in Tunis on the 3rdday of November , 1994 between the Transitional Government of Ethiopia and the Government of the Republic of Tunisia is ratified . 3. Power of the Ministry of Trade and Industry The Ministry of Trade and Industry is hereby empowered to implement the Agreement . 4. Effective Date This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the 13 day of February , 1996 . Done at Addis Ababa , this 134 day of February , 1996 . PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA African COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS No. 1/1996 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGISTRATION OF SHIPS These Regulations are issued by the Council of Minis Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic 1. Short Title These Regulations may be cited as the “ Registration of Ships Council of Ministers Regulations No 1/1996 " 2. Definition In these Regulations the term “ Ship " includes vessels as defined under Article 1 of the Maritime Code as well as ships and motor boats used for inland water transport . 3. Registration The Ministry of Transport and Communications shall carry out the registration of ships and other related activities . 4. Place of Registration Addis Ababa or other Ethiopian towns designated by the appropriate body , shall serve as a place ( s ) port ( s ) of registration . 5. Effective Date These Regulations shall come into force on the date of Done at Addis Ababa , this 13 day of February , 1996 PRIME MINISTER OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive

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