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African Law Archive
Palace Administration Establishment Proclamation No. 459-2005

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OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 11th Year No. 49 ADDIS ABABA- 30th June , 2005 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 459/2005 Place Administration Establishment Proclamation Page 3159 PROCLAMATION NO . 459/2005 . A PROCLAMATION TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PALACE ADMINISTRATION organ with a separate legal personality ; NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Article የሚከተለው | Republic of Ethiopia , it is hereby proclaimed as follows ; 1. Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the “ Palace Administration Establishment Proclamation No. 459/2005 . ” 2. Establishment 1 / The Place Administration ( hereinafter referred to as the “ Administration ” ) is hereby established as an autonomous government organ having its own legal personality . 2 / The Administration shall be accountable to the Prime Minister . Unit Price The African Law Archive * * * 3. Head Office The Administration shall have its head office in Addis Ababa and branch offices in places where there are palaces . 4. Objectives of the Administration The objectives of the Administration shall be to administer palaces and to preserve articles of cultural heritage belonging thereto . 5. Powers and duties of the Administration The Administration shall have the powers and duties to : administer the National Palace and all other palaces that remained under its control up to the effective date of this Proclamation and other palaces which well be stablishe by the federal government ; 2 / preserve articles of cultural heritage belonging to palaces , and carry out the necessary maintenance work relating thereto ; 3 / use place establishments and articles of cultural heritage for purpose of tourist attraction ; provided however , that such use shall not cause any threat to their safety ; 4 / organize and execute state receptions when conducted in the palace ; own property , enter into contract , sue and be sued in its own name ; 61 perform other lawful activities necessary for the fulfillment of its objectives . 6. Organization of the Administration The Administration shall have : Chief Administrator Deputy Administrator be appointed by the government ; and the necessary staff . Powers and Duties of the Chief Administrator 1 / The Chief Administrator , being the chief executive officer of the Administration , shall direct and administer the activities of the Administration . The African Law Archive Page 3161 2 / Without prejudice to the generality stated in Sub Article ( 1 ) of this Article , the Chief Adm- inistrator shall have the powers and duties to : exercise the powers and duties of the Administration as provided for under Article 5 of this proclamation . employ and administer personnel of the Administration in accordance with the federal civil servants laws and a salary scale to be approved for it by the government ; prepare and submit to the government the programs and budgets as well as activity reports of the Administration ; effect expenditure on the basis of the approved budget and work program of the Administration ; represent the Administration in all its dealings with third parties . 37 The Chief Administrator may delegate his powers and duties to the Deputy Administrator , other officials and employees of the Administration to the extent necessary for the efficient management of the Administration . Ace LawArch Duties Powers Administrator Deputy The Deputy Administrator shall : act on behalf of the Chief Administrator in the absence of the latter ; 21 perform other functions given to him by the Chief Administrator . 9. Budget of the Administration The budget of the Administration shall be drawn from the following sources : 1 / budget allocated by the Federal Government ; 2 / income derived from using place establishments and Articles of cultural heritage for tourist attraction purposes ; 3 / proceeds of income generating activities carried on lands under the possessions of palaces . The African Law Archive Page 3162 10. Books of Accounts 1 / The Administration shall keep complete and accurate books of accounts . 21 The books of accounts and other financial documents of the Administration shall be audited annually by the Auditor General , or by other auditors designated by him . 11. Applicability of Other Laws With out prejudice to the Powers and duticas of Cultural Heritage authority , The Administration shall preserve and administer articles of cultural heritage belonging to palaces in compliance with the relevant provisions of the Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage Proclamation No. 209/2000 . 12. power to issue Regulations The council of ministers may issue regulations that may be necessary for the implementation of this proclamation Effective Date This Proclamation shall enter into force on 30 day of June , 2005 . Done at Addis Ababa , the 304h day of June , 2005 PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA African Law Archive * * *

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