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African Law Archive
Debub University establishment Council of Ministers Regulations No. 62-1998

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OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 6 Year No. 14 ADDIS ABABA - 2214 December , 1999 CONTENTS Debub Council University Establishment Ministers Regulations Page 1206 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS NO . 62/1999 DEBUB UNIVERSITY ESTABLISHMENT COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS These Regulations are issued by the Council of Minis ters pursuant to Article 5 of the Definitions of Powers and Duties of the Executive organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 4/1995 . PART ONE General Short Title These Regulations may be cited as the “ Debub Univer sity Establishment Council of Ministers Regulations No. 62/1999 . ” 2. Definitions In these Regulations : 1 ) “ Government ” means the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia ; 2 ) “ Board ” means the University Board established in accordance with Article 6 of these Regulations ; 3 ) “ Senate ” means the University Senate established in accordance with Article 8 of these Regulations ; 4 ) “ Academic Staff ” means any employee engaged in teaching or research activities ; Unit Price The African Law Archive – No.14 22 December , I999 - Page 1207 5 ) “ President ” means the University President appoin ted in accordance with Article 10 of these Regulations ; 6 ) “ University ” means the Debub University es tablished in accordance with Article 3 of these Regulations . Establishment 1 ) There is hereby established the Debub University ( hereinafter “ the University ' ' ) as an autonomous higher education institution having its own legal personality . 2 ) The University shall comprise the following higher education institutions . ( a ) Awassa College of Agriculture ; ( b ) Wondo Genet College of Forestry ; ( c ) Dila Teachers ' Education and Health Science College ; ( d ) Other Faculties and Colleges to be established by the Board . 3 ) The University shall be accountable to the Ministry of Education . Objectives The University shall have the following objectives : to cultivate , expand and transmit knowledge ; to provide education that fully develops the per sonality and strengthens the respect for human dignity , on the basis of mutual respect , trust , mutual understanding and tolerance , and free from ethnic , nationality , gender , religious or other prejudices ; 3 ) to inculcate the dignity of work and dedication for the well - being of the society ; to produce competent persons imbued with a sense of social purpose and trained in science and tech nology , arts and various professions with a view to enhancing the socioeconomic development of the Ethiopian people ; to conduct research and studies in different fields that will help in solving societies ' problems and dis seminate fruitful results thereof ; 6 ) to provide professional services at regional and national level with a view to accelerating social and economic developments ; 7 ) to provide training and consultancy services , by receiving service fee . 5. Powers and Duties of the University The University shall have the following powers and duties : to establish and run faculties , colleges and other academic and research units ; 2 ) to design and implement undergraduate and post 3 ) to confer academic certificates , diplomas and de grees as well as medals , prizes and titles for excellence and meritorious contributions ; to organize and conduct seminars , workshops and symposia ; The African Law Archive No.14 22 December , 1999 - Page 1208 to provide consultancy and training services , en tering the market , charging appropriate fees ; 6 ) to establish relations with local and foreign sister universities , research institutions , and other or ganizations having similar objectives ; to establish and publish academic journals and newsletters ; to own property ; to enter into contracts ; to sue and be sued in its own name ; to carry out such other activities as are necessary for the attainment of its objectives . PART TWO The University Policy and Executive Bodies Establishment of the University Board 1 ) The University shall have a Board which consists of a chairperson and members to be appointed by the Government ; 2 ) The Board shall have its own Secretary . Powers and Duties of the Board The Board shall have the following powers and duties : to issue academic and administrative general policies of the University , to render decisions in conformity with Government policies and laws ; 2 ) to determine the organizational structure of the University ; 3 ) to have the Charter of the university which regulates its future organization and administration prepared and submit it to the Government ; 4 ) to approve ranks of a professorship ; to have the University plan and budget approved by the Government ; to submit for approval the appointment of the vice presidents to the Ministry of Education ; to issue internal administrative regulations which determine conditions of employment and adminis trations of academic staff of the University with due consideration of Government policies and laws ; 8 ) to review the decision rendered by the University or by any organ of the University ; 9 ) to examine and approve academic agreements made between the University and other local and foreign educational institutions ; to approve the emblem of the University ; 11 ) to determine its own rules of procedure ; to determine fees to be charged by the University in accordance with directive approved by the Govern ment ; 13 ) to perform such other activities as are conducive to the attainment of the objectives of the university . The African Law Archive 8. Establishment of the University Senate 1 ) There is hereby established the Senate of the University having the following members : ( a ) President of the University Chairperson ( b ) Vice - Presidents of the University Members ( c ) Deans of Faculties Members ( d ) Registrar of the University Member ( e ) Two representatives to be elected by the academic Staff of the University Members ( f ) Two Students ' representatives Members ( g ) Other appropriate members to be assigned by the Board Members 2 ) The Senate shall be accountable to the Board . 9. Powers and Duties of the Senate Subject to directives issued by the Board , the Senate shall have the follow powers and duties : 1 ) to examine and approve the academic calendar of the University , to approve the University's various academic programs ; to determine the conditions of conferring degrees diplomas and certificates as well as medals , and prizes ; 4 ) to set criteria for admission of students , deter mination of academic standards and graduation , and regulate disciplinary matters ; to examine and decide on petitions relating to same ; 5 ) to determine the general directions of conducting of examinations ; to examine and approve the employment of academic staff of the University ; to recommend to the Board the conferring of the rank of full professorship ; to recommend to the Board the amount of fees to be charged by the University ; to determine its own rules of procedure ; to perform such other activities , as may be assigned to it by the Board . 10. Appointment and Accountability of the University President and Vice - Presidents 1 ) The president of the University shall be appointed by the Government , and shall be accountable to the Board . 2 ) The University vice - presidents shall be appointed according to Article 7 Sub Article ( 6 ) of these Regulations ; and shall be accountable to the President . Powers and Duties of the President The president shall be the chief executive of the University , and shall have the following powers and duties : 1 ) to direct and administer and supervise the ac tivities of the University ; 2 ) to follow up the implementation of the decisions made by the Board and the Senate ; The African Law Archive 3 ) to employ and administer the academic staff of the University in accordance with the regulations issued by the Board and the salary scale approved by the Government ; and employ and administer the administrative staff of the University in accordance with civil service laws ; 4 ) to prepare and submit to the Board the annual plan and budget of the University ; and implement same upon approval ; 5 ) to sign any agreement or contract on behalf of the University upon approval by the Board ; 6 ) to represent the University in all its dealings with third parties ; 7 ) to open bank accounts in the name of the University ; 8 ) to submit every three months reports on activities of the University to the Board ; 9 ) to delegate his powers as may be necessary ; 10 ) to perform such other activities as may be assig ned by the Board and Senate . Powers and Duties of the Vice - Presidents 1 ) Pursuant to the directives issued by the president , the vice - presidents shall have the following powers and duties : ( a ) to consult and assist the president regarding the affairs of the University ; ( b ) to supervise the activities of the organs ac countable to them and follow up the im plementation of the decisions and directives issued by the Board and the Senate ; ( c ) perform such other activities , specifically as signed by the Board , the Senate or the President . In the absence of the president , the Academic Vice President of the University shall direct and coor dinate the acitivities of the University on behalf the president . Other Organs of the University The establishment and function of the various faculties academic , and research units , of the University as well as the appointment of executive organs shall be deter mined by the Board . PART THREE Miscellaneous 14. Budget The budget of the University shall be drawn from : ( a ) budget allocated by the Government ; ( b ) fees collected to it by the University ; and any other sources . Books of Accounts 1 ) The University shall keep complete and accurate books of account . 2 ) The books of account and financial documents of the University shall be audited annually by the Auditor General or by other auditors designated by The African Law Archive 16. Inapplicable Laws Any Regulations or directives inconsistent with the provisions of these Regulations shall not be applicable . Effective Date These Regulations shall enter into force on the date of their publication in the Federal the Negarit Gazeta . Done at Addis Ababa , this 22nd day of December , 1999 . PRIME MINISTER OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive

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