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African Law Archive
National Agricultural Input Authority Establishment Proclamation No. 288-2002

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OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA gth Year No. 36 ADDIS ABABA - 200 July , 2002 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 288/2002 National Agricultural Input Authority Establishment Proclamation Page 1907 PROCLAMATION NO . 288/2002 A PROCLAMATION TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL INPUT AUTHORITY WHEREAS , increased production and productivity of the agricultural sector is necessary to the growth and development of the country , and to ensure that farmers and pastoralists benefit therefrom ; WHEREAS , the production of various of high quality agricultural inputs in sufficient variety , quantity and the supply of same is important to users in raising the production and productivity of the agricultural sector ; WHEREAS , it is necessary to strengthen the input sub sector by encouraging the participation of the private sector , government organs , and others in the production , supply , distribution and trade of agricultural input ; WHEREAS , it has been found essential to manage agricultural inputs in a systematic , coordinated and integrated manner for increased agricultural production and productivity in order to ensure sustainable development in the country ; WHEREAS , it has become necessary to establish an Authority , in accordance with relevant laws and regulations , that ensure timely and quality supply of inputs ; and build capacity , knoweldge and skills to promote input technologies in order to fulfill the current and long term requirements of the country ; NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Article 55 ( 1 ) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia , it is hereby proclaimed as follows : Unit Price The African Law Archive Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the “ National Agricultural Input Authority Establishment Proclamation No. 288/2002 . ” 2. Definitions In this Proclamation , unless the context requires otherwise : 1 ) “ Agricultural Input ” means plant seed , fertilizer and pesticides available for market to improve production and productivity of the agricultural sector ; 2 ) “ Plant Seed ” means a mature ovule or the seed , bulbs , tubers , cutings , or any other plant material used for the propagation of plants ; 3 ) “ Fertilizer ” means any natural or industrial product of organic or inorganic origin that contain one or more plant nutrient which could help to maintain and / or improve soil fertility ; 4 ) “ Pesticide " means any substance , chemical , com pound or mixture thereof or a living organism intended for use as an agricultural input to prevent or control regular pests excluding migratory pests ; 5 ) “ Pest ” means a free , parasitic or saprophytic , which cause a decline in yield and quality during production , processing , storage , transport and marketing of agricultural produces and com modities ; 6 ) “ Authority ” means the National Agricultural Input Authority ; 7 ) “ Ministry ” means the Ministry of Rural Develop ment . 1 ) The National Agricultural Input Authority ( hereinafter referred to as the “ Authority ' ' ) is hereby established as an autonomous body of the Federal Government ; 2 ) The Authority shall be accountable to the Ministry of Rural Development . 4. Head Office The head office of the Authority shall be in Addis Ababa , and it may have branch offices as required . 5. Objective The objective of the Authority is to ensure that the production , supply , distribution and marketing of agricultural inputs is undertaken in efficient and effective manner , and capacity is built in the sector to benefit producers and the user community . The Authority shall have the powers and duties to : 1 ) formulate agricultural input policy and strategy based on the national rural development policies and strategies , and upon approval , follow up the implementation thereof ; 2 ) effect the implementation of agricultural input laws by establishing links with appropriate institutions ; The African Law Archive 3 ) issue guidelines and procedures for agricultural input evaluation and release , and monitor their implementation ; 4 ) issue guidelines and procedures for the proper formulation and preparation of agricultural inputs programs and projects in line with the development requirement of the country ; 5 ) without prejudice to relevant laws issue import and export permit for agricultural inputs ; 6 ) ensure the distribution of high quality agricultural input to users ; 7 ) provide the necessary assistance with respect to market and demand forecast studies in order to enhance the development of the agricultural input industry thereof ; 8 ) undertake studies and submit recommendations to the government to take necessary actions to stabilize the price of agricultural inputs ; 9 ) make the necessary support in capacity building in production ; pply ; distribution and marketing of agricultural input ; 10 ) promote proper public awareness to enhance the growth and development of the agricultural input industry ; 11 ) encourage the private sector to actively participate in the production and distribution of agricultural inputs ; 12 ) facilitate and ensure ; in cooperation with relevant organizations ; the supply and a availability of agricultural inputs to help cover shortages ; 13 ) establish a central agricultural input data and infor mation system ; 14 ) enter into contracts , sue and be sued , own proper ties ; 15 ) collect fees for services rendered as per developed guideline ; 16 ) perform such other similar duties necessary to achieve its objectives ; 7. Organizational Structure The Authority shall have : 1 ) A General Manager to be appointed by the Govern ment , and 2 ) the necessary staff . 8. Powers and Duties of the General Manager The General Manager shall be appointed by the Govern ment and shall have the following powers and duties : 1 ) cause the execution of powers and duties of the Authority as stated in Article 6 of this Proclamation ; 2 ) prepare and submit the work program and budget of the Authority to the Ministry of Rural Development ; 3 ) execute and follow - up the implementation of the budget approved by the Government ; 4 ) employ , administer and dismiss employees of the Authority in accordance with the Federal Civil Service laws ; 5 ) represent the Authority in its relations with third parties ; 6 ) effect expenditure in accordance with the budget and work program approved for the Authority ; 7 ) delegate , when necessary , to other staff of the Authority ; Archis The African Law Archive 8 ) submit , to the Ministry , the performance and finan cial report of the Authority ; 9 ) perform other duties assigned by the Ministry . 9. Budget The budget of the Authority shall be drawn from the following sources : 1 ) budget allocated by the government ; 2 ) donations and grants from different sources . 10. Book of Accounts 1 ) The Authority shall keep complete and accurate book of accounts . 2 ) The Authority shall cause the audit of its accounts ; at least once in a year ; by the Auditor General or by an auditor delegated by him . 11. Repealed and Inapplicable Laws 1 ) The following laws are hereby repealed : ( a ) National Seed Industry Agency Establishment Proclamation No. 56/1993 , ( as amended ) ; ( b ) National Fertilizer Industry Agency Establish ment Proclamation No. 106/1994 , ( as amen 2 ) Any other law or directive which is inconsistent with this proclamation shall not be applicable on matters provided in this Proclamation . 12. Transfer of Rights and Obligations 1 ) The rights and obligations of the National Seed Industry Agency established under Proclamation No. 56/1993 ( as amended ) , as well as the powers and duties entrusted to the Agency under Seed Proclamation No. 206/2000 are hereby transferred to the Authority ; 2 ) The rights and obligations of the National Fertilizer Industry Agency established under Proclamation No. 106/1994 ( as amended ) , as well as the powers and duties entrusted to the Agency under fertilizer manufacturing and trade Proclamation No. 1371 1998 are hereby transferred to the Authority . 13. Effective Date This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the 7th day of July , 2002 . Done at Addis Ababa , this 7ch day of July , 2002 . PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRTIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The “ Five ( 5 ) years ” after the word “ next ” in sub Article ( 1 ) of Article 28 of the Income Tax Proclamation No. 286/2002 shall read “ three ( 3 ) years . ” The African Law Archive

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