OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 4 Year No . 53 JADDIS ABABA - 30th June , 1998 CONTENTS Proclamation No . 123 / 1998 Defence Forces ( Amendment ) Proclamation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 789 PROCLAMATION NO . 123 / 1998 A PROCLAMATION TO AMEND THE DEFENCE FORCES PROCLAMATION WHEREAS , it is found necessary to amend the Defence Forces Proclamation ; NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Article 55 ( 1 ) and ( 7 ) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia , it is hereby proclaimed as follows : 1 . Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the Defence Forces ( Amendment ) Proclamation No . 123 / 1998 . " Amendment The Defence Forces Proclamation No . 27 / 1996 is hereby amended as follows : 1 ) Sub - Article ( 2 ) of Article 9 is deleted while sub Articles ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) are renumbered as sub - Articles ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) , respectively . 2 ) Sub - Article ( 3 ) of Article 13 is deleted and replaced by the following new sub - Article ( 3 ) : “ 3 ) The age - limits for termination of service , specified under sub - Articles ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) of Article 9 hereinabove , shall also be deemed to be retirement age - limits for purposes of the application of pension laws . " 3 ) Article 15 is deleted and replaced by the following new Article 15 : Unit Price 3 . 40 www . AfricanLawArchive . com * * * The African Law Archive * * * www . AfricanLawArchive . com Medals , Orders and Prizes Any member of the Defence Forces shall be awarded with Medals , Orders or Prizes for notable service , heroism as well as for new findings or creative work in accordance with this * Proclamation or other relevant laws and direc tives . ” 1 4 ) Article 21 is deleted and replaced by the following new Article 21 : “ 21 Obligatory Service A member of the armed forces having received the benefit of specialized training or schooling shall , subsequent to its completion , have the obligation to serve twice of the duration of schooling or training ; however , such an obligatory services cannot be less than one year . ' Article : “ 33 . Investigation and Suit 1 ) Intensive and impartial investigation shall be carried out prior to bringing a case before a military court . 2 ) A case for investigation , pursuant to sub - Article ( 1 ) of this Article , may be referred to a soldier or a team of soldiers or to the police as necessary . 3 ) Where it is necessary to bring a charge the case shall be referred to the appropriate military court . A public prosecutor will be assigned to follow up the " Part six Medals , Ribbons , and Certificates Privileges due to Awardees 37 . Medals , Ribbons and Certificates 1 ) The following are Medals , Ribbons and Certificates to be bestowed upon Members of the Defence Forces : ( a ) The Medal of the Victory of Adwa ; ( b ) The Medal of Heroism 1 ' Rank ; ( c ) The Medal of Heroism 2nd Rank ; ( d ) The Medal of Heroism 3 Rank ; ( e ) The Medal with Palm Leaf for Participation in the Armed Struggle ; ( f ) The Medal without Palm Leaf for Participation in the Armed Struggle ; ( g ) The Medal of Distinguished Labour ; ( h ) The Medal of Military Service 1st Rank ; ( i ) The Medal of Military Service 2nd Rank ; ( i ) The Medal of Military Service 3M Rank ; ( k ) The Medal of International Peace Keeping ; ( 1 ) The Medal of the Wounded ; ( m ) The Military Service Ribbon ; ( n ) Combat Certificate . case . ” www . AfricanLawArchive . com * * * The African Law Archive * * * www . AfricanLawArchive . com 2 ) The dimension , shape and substance of the Medals , Ribbon and Certificates enumerated under sub Article ( 1 ) of this Article shall be prescribed by directives of the Council of Ministers . 38 . The Medal of the Victory of Adwa 1 ) The Medal of the Victory of Adwa is the highest award that may be bestowed upon an Ethiopian individual , military unit or group that has performed unparalleled feats of bravery in a battlefield . 2 ) Awardee of the Medal of the Victory of Adwa : ( a ) shall be entitled to a one time payment of 25 , 000 Birr . Where he has died his survivors shall be entitled to same in accordance with the proportion specified in the Pension Law ; ( b ) shall take a seat in the place reserved for high government officials during any public ceremony ; shall receive a special identity card autographed by the Head of State ; may have a school , a hospital , an avenue or a public square or any other similar memorial , in his birth place , named after 3 ) A school , a hospital , an avenue , a bridge , a public square or any other similar memorial in the Federal Capital City may be named after an individual who has been awarded the Medal of the Victory of Adwa for the second time . In addition a statute may be erected for such an individual 4 ) A military unit or group awarded with the Medal of the Victory of Adwa shall be entitled to Birr 100 , 000 and a special certificate autographed by the Head of State . 5 ) Sub - Article 2 ( d ) and ( 3 ) of this Article shall apply to the military unit and group , with birth place substituted by the battlefield of its ex 39 . The Medal of Heroism 1 * Rank 1 ) The Medal of Heroism 1st Rank is an award that may be bestowed upon an Ethiopian in dividual , military unit or group that has , beyond the call of ordinary duty , achieved very honorable feats of bravery in a battlefield . 2 ) Awardee of the Medal of Heroism 1st Rank : ( a ) shall be entitled to a one time payment of 20 , 000 Birr . Where he has died his survivors shall be entitled to same in accordance with the proportion specified in the Pension Law ; ( b ) shall take a seat in the place reserved for high government officials during any public ceremony at the place where the ceremony is held ; ( c ) shall receive a special identity card autographed by the Commander - in Chief of the Armed Forces . 3 ) A school , a hospital , an avenue or a public square or any other similar memorial in his birth place may be named after an individual who has been awarded the Medal of Heroism 1 " Rank for the second time . www . AfricanLawArchive . com * * * The African Law Archive * * * www . AfricanLawArchive . com 4 ) A school , a hospital , an avenue or a public square or other similar memorial in the Federal Capital City may be named after an individual who has been awarded the Medal of Heroism 15 Rank for the third time or the Medal of Heroism 1st rank and the Medal of the Victory of Adwa . 5 ) Awardee of the Medal of Heroism 15 ' Rank is entitled to Birr 80 , 000 and shall receive a special identity card autographed by the Commander - in Chief of the Armed forces . 6 ) Sub - Article ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) of this Article shall be applicable to a military unit and group ; with birth place substituted by the place where the heroic deed was performed . 40 . The Medal of Heroism 2nd Rank 1 ) The Medal of Heroism 2nd Rank is an award that may be bestowed upon an Ethiopian individual , military unit or group that has , beyond the call of ordinary duty , achieved honorable feats of bravery in a battlefield ; 2 ) Awardee of the Medal of Heroism 2nd Rank : ( a ) shall be entitled to a one time payment of 15 , 000 Birr . Where he has died , his survivors shall be entitled to same in accordance with the proportion specified in the Pension Law ; ( b ) shall take a seat in the place reserved for high government officials during any public ceremony at the place where the ceremony is held ; ( c ) shall receive a special identity card autographed by the General Chief of Staff . 3 ) A military unit or group awarded with the Medal of Heroism 2nd Rank is entitled to Birr 40 , 000 and shall receive an identity card autographed by the General Chief of Staff . 1 ) The Medal of Heroism 3rd Rank is an award that may be bestowed upon an Ethiopian individual , military unit or group that has , beyond the call of ordinary duty , achieved commendable feats of bravery in the battlefield ; 2 ) Awardee of Medal of Heroism 3rd Rank : ( a ) shall be entitled to a one time payment of 10 , 000 Birr . Where he has died , his survivors shall be entitled to same in accordance with the proportion specified in the Pension Law ; ( b ) shall receive a special identity card autographed by the General Chief of Staff . 3 ) Awardee of Medal of Heroism 3rd Rank for the third or more time shall take a seat in the place reserved for high government officials during any public ceremony at the place where the ceremony is held ; 4 ) A military unit or group awarded with the Medal of Heroism 3rd Rank is entitled to Birr 40 , 000 and a special identity card autographed by the General Chief of Staff ; www . AfricanLawArchive . com * * * The African Law Archive * * * www . AfricanLawArchive . com 42 . The Medal with Palm Leaf for Participation in the Armed Struggle 1 ) The Medal with Palm Leaf for Participation in the Armed struggle shall be awarded to all fighters who served no less than ten years in the struggle ( 1975 May 28 / 1991 ) to remove the Derg regime and establish peace and democracy in Ethiopia . 2 ) An awardee of the Medal with Palm Leaf for Participation in the Armed Struggle shall receive a special identity card autographed by the General Chief of Staff . 43 . The Medal without Palm Leaf for Participation in the Armed Struggle 1 ) The Medal without Palm Leaf for Participation in the Armed Struggle shall be awarded to all fighters who served less than ten years in the struggle ( 1975 - May 28 / 1991 ) to remove the Derg regime and establish peace and democracy in Ethiopia . 2 ) An awardee of the Medal without Palm Leaf for Participation in the Armed Struggle shall receive a special identity card autographed by the General Chief of Staff . 1 ) The Medal of Distinguished Labour is an award that may be bestowed upon a person , military unit or group that has through mental labour , or way of invention or in any other field , scored unparalleled achievement for the mission of the Defence Forces . 2 ) Awardee of the Medal of Distinguished Labour shall : ( a ) be entitled to Birr 10 , 000 ; ( b ) take a seat in the place reserved for high government officials during any public ceremony at the place where the ceremony is held ; ( c ) receive a special indentity card autographed by the Minister of National Defence . 3 ) Military unit or group of awardee of the Medal of Distinguished labour is entitled to Birr 40 , 000 and shall receive a special indentity card autographed by the Defence Minister . The Medal of Military Service I " Rank is an award that may be bestowed upon any member of the Defence Forces who is reputed for his spotless record of conduct and military discipline and has served in the Defence Forces for not less than twenty five years . The Medal of Military Service 2nd Rank is an award that may be bestowed upon any member of the Defence Forces who is reputed for his spotless record of conduct and military discipline and has served for not less than fifteen years in the Defence Forces . The Medal of Military Service 3 rank The Medal of Military Service 3rd Rank is an award that may be bestowed upon any member of the Defence Forces who is reputed for his spotless record of conduct and military discipline and has served for not less than ten years in the Defence Forces . 1 ) The Medal of International Peace Keeping is awarded to a person who has participated in international peace - keeping duties abroad for not less than 90 days ; 2 ) Awardee of the Medal of International Peace Keeping shall receive a special indentity card autographed by the General Chief of Staff . www . AfricanLawArchive . com * * * The African Law Archive * * * www . AfricanLawArchive . com 49 . The Medal of the Wounded bestowed upon a person who has been wounded in a battlefield . 2 ) An awardee of the Medal of the Wounded shall receive a special identity card autographed by a divisional or corps commander or by an officer of equivalent rank . 50 . Military Service Ribbon The Military Service Ribbon is awarded to members of the Defence Forces for every 5 years of service given in loyalty to the Constitution . | 51 . Combat Certificate Combat Certificate is an award to be given to a person , military unit or group having participated in a campaign initiated and proclaimed by the government . Additional Privileges of Medal Awardees Without prejudice to other Articles of this Proclamation , an awardee who is bestowed with any of the medals enumerated under Article 37 / 1 / ( a ) – ( g ) , ( k ) or ( i ) shall : 1 ) receive free medical treatment in state owned hospitals and health centres ; 2 ) be given priority to pursue education in state owned educational institutions ; 3 ) be given priority to employment where the qualification satisfies the job descriptions required by government offices , organizations and es tablishment for a given position . 1 ) The appropriate medal shall be registered in the name of a person who dies after having accom plished a deed . 2 ) The medal shall be given to his elder descendant ; in the absence of a descendant to his spouse ; in the absence of a spouse to his heir under the relevant law of succession . Any member of the Armed Force shall not receive a medal or other prize without permission from the Ministry . Deprivation of Awards The Medal , Ribbon or Certificate shall be withdrawn from the awardee , where : 1 ) it is discovered that the Medal , Ribbon or Cer tificate was bestowed upon the awardee on the basis of wrong evidence ; or 2 ) such an awardee has been found guilty by a court for offenses provided for in Articles 259 - 265 . 56 . Rank of Medals The order of rank of medals shall be in accordance with Article 37 ( 1 ) of this Proclamation . www . AfricanLawArchive . com * * * The African Law Archive * * * www . AfricanLawArchive . com 57 . Award and Wearing of Medals and Ribbons The award and wearing of medals and ribbons shall be prescribed in accordance with direc tives to be issued by the Council of Ministers . 7 . Part Six of the Defence Forces Proclamation has become Part Seven and Articles 37 - 39 have become Articles 58 - 60 , respectively . | 3 . Effective Date This Proclamation shall come into force as of the 30th day of June , 1998 . Done at Addis Ababa , this 30th day of June , 1998 . PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA www . AfricanLawArchive . com * * * The African Law Archive * * * www . AfricanLawArchive . com
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