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Ethiopian Export Promotion Agency Establishment Proclamation No. 132-1998

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OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 5 Year No . 9 ADDIS ABABA - 24 November , 1998 CONTENTS Proclamation No . 132 / 1998 Ethiopian Export Promotion Agency Establishment Proclamation Page 887 PROCLAMATION NO . 132 / 1998 ETHIOPIAN EXPORT PROMOTION AGENCY ESTABLISHEMENT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS , it is necessary to alleviate problems | faced in the Country ' s export trade and enhance the com petitiveness of exporting enterprises in international markets ; WHEREAS , it is necessary to establish an autonomous | Agency with powers and duties to undertake this objective and incorporate the activities of the formerly established Ethiopian Trade Point ; NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Article 55 ( 1 ) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia , it is hereby proclaimed as follows : 1 . Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the “ Ethiopian Export Promotion Agency Establishement Proclamation No . Establishment 1 . The Ethiopian Export Promotion Agency ( hereinaf ter referred to as “ the Agency ' ' ) is hereby es tablished as an autonomous federal government institution having its own legal personality . 2 . The Agency shall be accountable to the Prime Minister . Unit Price www . AfricanLawArchive . com * * * The African Law Archive * * * www . AfricanLawArchive . com 3 . Head Office and may have branch offices as may be necessary . Objective of the Agency The objective of the Agency shall be to promote the Country ' s exports . 5 . Powers and Duties of the Agency The Agency shall have the following powers and duties : 1 ) Based on the Government ' s export strategy , to render different professional support and training to exporters by undertaking studies and assigning various schemes to promote the Country ' s export trade ; to alleviate problems faced by experts by ensuring that export - related procedures of institutions relevant to export trade are conducive to the Coun try ' s export development ; to encourage the existence of coordinated and efficient working arrangements among producers , exporters and service providers ; 4 ) to enhance the Country ' s competitiveness in over seas markets by undertaking and disseminating to exporters supply and market studies on exportable products ; to link up Ethiopian exporters with foreign importers by undertaking promotional campaigns , designing product - specific promotional packages and using modern communication techniques with the aim of entering into new and growing markets as well as staying in the country ' s existing markets ; 6 ) to provide the appropriate support to exporters in order for them to participate in regional and inter national trade fairs and other trade promotion events ; 7 ) to cause the establishement of strong cooperation and relations with similar institutions in other coun tries : to respond to trade information inquiries of exporters and foreign importers by processing and dis seminating to users information necessary for foreign trade activities by collecting them from foreign or domestic sources ; 9 ) to charge fees for the services it renders ; 10 ) to establish relations with relevant domestic and foreign organizations with a view to carry out functions assigned to it under this Proclamation ; to own property , enter into contracts , sue and be sued in its own name ; 12 ) to engage in other activities necessary to accom plish its objectives . | 6 . Organization of the Agency The Agency shall have : 1 ) a Board of Directors ( hereinafter “ the Board ” ' ) ; 2 ) a Director General to be appointed by the Govern ment : and 3 ) the necessary staff . www . AfricanLawArchive . com * * * The African Law Archive * * * www . AfricanLawArchive . com 7 . Members of the Board 1 . The Board shall constitute seven members to be designated by the government from government institutions and the private sector . 2 ) The Chairperson shall be assigned by the Govern ment from among the members of the Board . 8 . Powers and Duties of the Board The Board shall have the following powers and duties : 1 ) to submit long and short term plans , annual work program and budget of the Agency to the Govern ment , and supervise the implementation of same upon approval ; 2 ) to determine the organizational structure of the Agency and approve its internal regulations , prepared pursuant tothis proclamation , and follow up the implementation of same ; 3 ) to approve directives , based on the general principles of federal civil service laws , for the employment and administration of the staff of the Agency ; determine salary scales and other incentives and follow up the implementation of same ; 4 ) to endorse agreements to be concluded by the Agency with local and foreign institutions ; 5 ) to determine fees to be charged by the Agency for the services it provides ; 6 ) to approve the employment , assignment and dismis sal of the management members of the Agency ; 7 ) to evaluate the performance and accounts report of the Agency , bi - annually , and submit same to the Office of the Prime Minister together with its comments . | 9 . Meetings of the Board | 1 ) The Board shall have a regular meeting every three months ; however , the Chairperson may call extraor dinary meetings as deemed necessary . 2 ) There shall be a quorum where more than half of the members of the Board are present . 3 ) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub - Article ( 2 ) of this Article , the Board shall decide by a majority vote ; in case of a tie , the Chairperson shall have a casting vote . 4 ) Subject to the provisions of this Article , the Board may issue its own rules of procedure . officer of the Agency and , as such shall , subject to the general directives of the Board , direct ad administer the activities of the Agency . 2 ) Without limiting the generality of sub - Article ( 1 ) of this Article , the Director General shall : ( a ) exercise the powers and duties of the Agency specified in Article 5 of this Proclamation ; ( b ) prepare and submit to the Board the work program and budget of the Agency and implement same upon approval ; effect payment in accordance with the ap proved budget and work program of the Agency ; pursuant to this Proclamation , prepare and submit to the Board the organizational struc ture and internal regulations of the Agency and implement same upon approval ; www . AfricanLawArchive . com * * * The African Law Archive * * * www . AfricanLawArchive . com ( e ) prepare and submit to the Board the Agency ' s administrative manual , salary scale and other incentives schemes and implement same upon approval ; represent the Agency in its dealings with third parties ; ( g ) submit to the Board performance and financial reports of the Agency . 3 ) The Director General may delegate part of his powers and duties to other officers and employees of the Agency to the extent necessary for the effective performance of the activities of the Agency . 11 . Budget The budget of the Agency shall be drawn from the following sources : 1 ) budget subsidy allocated by the Federal Govern ment ; 2 ) fees collected from its services ; and 3 ) grants , donations and any other sources of income . | 12 . Books of Accounts 1 ) The Agency shall keep complete and accurate books of accoutns . 2 ) The books of accounts and financial documents of the Agency shall be audited annually by the Auditor General or by an auditor assigned by him . | 13 . Repeal The Ethiopian Trade Point Establishment Regulations No . 20 / 1997 are hereby repealed . | 14 . Transfer of Rights and Obligations The Rights and Obligations of the Ethiopian Trade Point are hereby transferred to the Agency . This Proclamation shall come into force as of the 24th day of November , 1998 . Done at Addis Ababa , this 24thday of November , 1998 , PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPLA www . AfricanLawArchive . com * * * The African Law Archive * * * www . AfricanLawArchive . com

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