OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 9th Year No. 47 ADDIS ABABA - g4h April , 2003 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 327/2003 Establishment of the National Reserve Force Proclamation Page 2145 PROCLAMATION NO . 327/2003 A PROCLAMATION TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NATIONAL RESERVE FORCE WHEREAS , it is found necessary to organize a peoples ' sovereignty , operates together with the Defense catastrophe occurred and carry out its normal private ac tivities in time of peace . NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Article 55 ( 1 ) and ( 7 ) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia , it is hereby proclaimed as follows : PART ONE GENERAL This Proclamation may be cited as the “ ' Establishment of the National Reserve Force Proclamation No. 327/2003 . Definitions In this Proclamation unless the context otherwise requires : Unit Price The African Law Archive 1 ) “ National Reserve Force Service ” means a service to be rendered pursuant to Article 12 of this Proclamation . 2 ) “ National Reserve Force Member ” means any per son registered and take the necessary training to render service in accordance with this Proclamation . 3 ) “ Commander ” means a person authorized to direct , and lead administer a military unit formed in any level of the National Defence or National Reserve Force . 4 ) “ Minister ” or “ Ministry ” means the Minister or the Ministry of National Defense respectively . 5 ) “ Inductee ” means any person who is inducted in the national reserve force in accordance with this Proclamation . 6 ) “ National Defense Force ” means the Ground Force and the Air Force . 7 ) “ National Reserve Force Organization and Coor dination Buraeu ” means a Bureau established under the Ministry of National Defence which coordinates and administer as superior authority the work of the National Reserve Force . PART TWO BASIC PROVISIONS 3. Establishment 1 ) There is hereby established the National Reserve Force , hereinafter called the “ Reserve Force ” 2 ) The Reserve Force is accountable to the Minister . 4. Objectives Objective of the Reserve Force 1 ) To safeguard the country's sovereignty and to pro tect vigilantly the constitutional order . 2 ) to be deployed together with the National Defence Force at times of war and state of emergency . 3 ) To reach promptly at any sight and assist wherever human or natural disaster occurs . 5. Organization of the Reserve Force 1 ) Reserve Force shall be organized in all states of the Federation under the leadership of the Ministry . 2 ) A Bureali will be established to organize and coordinate the Reserve Force under the Ministry . 3 ) Liason Offices which lead and coordinate the required activities will be established at Regional level by the Bureau . The Liason Offices perform their work in collaboration with the Regional Ad ministration . 4 ) The lowest level of the Reserve Force shall be organized at the Woreda Administration . 5 ) The Bureau may establish Liason Office to perform its functions in government offices , private or government institutions or public associations . 6. Registration and Inductment States of the Federation shall register the Reserve Force in accordance with the criteria to be issued by the Bureau ... 7. Criteria for Inductment criteria for inductement shall be determined by Regulations . 8. Certificate of Registration Any person registered persuant to Article 7 of the Proclamation shall be issued with a certificate of regis tration . The African Law Archive PART THREE CONDITIONS OF SERVICE OF RESERVE FORCE 9. Military Training 1 ) Inductees shall be admitted into training centres to acquire basic military training . 2 ) The Reserve Force shall get basic military training which enables him to accomplish his mission . 3 ) Any inductee is entitled in accordance with the directives of the Ministry to rations , lodging , clothing , pocket - money , medical care and teaching aids . 4 ) Certificate shall be issued after completion of military training 5 ) After completion of military training , the inductee shall be returned back to their home . 6 ) Training and practice together with the Defense Forces may be given after members of the Reserve Force return home . Mobilization 1 ) Any member of the Reserve Force when called upon shall made himself available at such place and time as shall be determined by the Ministry . 2 ) The call up may be for training , exercise or mobilization . Assignment Any member of the Reserve Force after completion of military training and needed to render service shall be assigned in the Ground Force or in the Air Force . Term of Service 1 ) Any member of the Reserve Force who has com pleted the military trainng pursuant to Article 9 of this Proclamation shall serve for 7 years and sign contract of employment in accordance with the directives issued by the Ministry . 2 ) For additional service , the period may be extended by mutual consent without , however , going beyond the age of 38 . 3 ) Notwithstanding Sub - Article ( 1 ) of this Article the term of service shall be extended during mobilization and in times of war . Medals and Prizes 1 ) Any member of the Reserve Force shall be awarded with medals or prizes for notable service , heroism in accordance with the Proclamation of the Defense Forces . 2 ) Upon completion of term of service as member of the Reserve Force , he shall be entitled to medal of the Reserve Force and certificate . 3 ) Where the service of a member of the Reserve Force is terminated not voluntarily but for various other reasons before completion of the required term of service , he shall be given certificate by ascertaining the reasons of the termination . Observance of Military Laws , Directives and Orders Any member of the Reserve Force shall observe military laws , directives and orders while on training and active service . The African Law Archive 15. Complaints Any member of the Reserve Force , whether on training or military service , shall have the right to complain against any administrative wrongs and obtain decision in accor dance with the Defence Forces desciplinary directives . PART FOUR SERVICE , PROMOTION AND TERMINATION OF SERVICE 16. Service 1 ) Any member of the Reserve Force shall render service in any place and in any unit of the Defense Forces . 2 ) Any member of the Rerserve Force while on active service shall be entitled as member of the Defense Forces to rations , uniform , transportation , lodging , medical care free of charge and salary . 17. Ranks 1 ) In accordance with directives on promotions to be issued by the Ministry any member of the Reserve Force shall be promoted for excellence in the performance of duties and observance of discipline while rendering service in the Defense Forces . 2 ) In accordance with the directives of the Ministry ranks may be given for command and control positions at Woreda and Kebele levels . 18. Termination of Service The service of a member of the Reserve Force shall be terminated upon : 1 ) Expiry of his contract of employment , 2 ) can't render service due to age limitation , 3 ) Unfitness for military service owing to serious illness or mental or physical handicap . 4 ) Being criminally convicted by law court and where decided that the offence disqualified him from service . 19. Compensation A member of the Reserve Force shall be entitled to compensation like that of the defense forces for injuries sustained while rendering service or on training , and in case of death it shall be handled in accordance with the pension Law . PART FIVE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE HEAD OF THE RESERVE FORCE BUREAU 20. Powers and Duties of the Head of the Reserve force 1 ) Prescribe the criteria for membership of the Reserve Force . 2 ) Prepare direcives for training , armament , incentives , disciplinary measures , general service and im plement upon approval . 3 ) Prepare directives for mobilization , deployment , combat performance and termination and implement upon approval . 4 ) Follow up implementation of the National Reserve Force Proclamation . 5 ) Perform other functions assigned to him by the Minister . The African Law Archive PART SIX MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 21. Duty to Cooperate Any person , government office or private organization has the duty to cooperate in the implementation of this Proclamation . 22. Applicability of Military Laws and Directives 1 ) Any member of the Reserve Force rendering military service in accordance with Article 12 of this Proclamation when committing military offence shall be tried in military courts . 2 ) Any member of the Reserve Force violating dis ciplinary matters , will be tried in accordance with the disiplinary directives of the Ministry . 23. Repeal The following are hereby repealed . 1 ) The National Military Service Proclamation No. 322/1973 . 2 ) The National Military Service Regulation No. 444/1973 . 3 ) Establishment of National Military Service Proc 24. Power to Issue Regulations The Council of Ministers shall have the power to issue regulations necessary for the implementation of the Proclamation . 25. Power to Issue Directives The Ministry shall have the power to issue directives necessary for the implementation of this Proclamation . 26. Effective Date This Proclamation shall come into force as of 8th day of April , 2003 . Done at Addis Ababa , this 8th day of April , 2003 . PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive
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