OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 4 Year No. 9 ADDIS ABABA - 19th December , 1997 CONTENTS Council of Ministers Regulations No 23/1997 Ethiopian Conference Center Establishment Council of Ministers Regulations Page 657 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS NO . 23/1997 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ETHIOPIAN CONFERENCE CENTER These Regulations are issued by the Council of Ministers pursuant to Article 5 of the Definition of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 4/1995 . Short Title These Regulations may be cited as the “ Ethiopian Conference Center Establishment Council of Ministers Regulations No. 23/1997 . ” 2. Establishment 1 ) The Ethiopian Conference Center ( hereinafter " the Cen ter " ) is hereby established as an autonomous federal organ having its own legal personality . 2 ) The Center shall be accountable to the Ministry of Infor mation and Culture ( hereinafter “ the Ministry ' ' ) . Head Office The Center shall have its head office in Addis Ababa . 4. Objective The objective of the Center shall be to serve as a venue for the presentation of the artistic works of nations / nationalities and peoples with a view to helping the peoples of Ethiopia know each other and develop harmonious interaction amongst themselves . Unit Price The African Law Archive 19 December 1997 – Page 658 5. Powers and Duties The Center shall have the powers and duties to : 1 ) serve as a venue whereby modern and traditional works of art , which have educational and recreational value , are presented to the public ; 2 ) serve as a center for conferences , seminars and work shops organized by various entities especially those organized by the House of the Peoples ' Representatives and the House of the Federation for their members and other participants ; 3 ) serve as a venue for the presentation of vairous public educational programs on concepts embodied in the constitution ; 4 ) serve as a venue for other public programs which are conducive to the attainment of its objective . 6. Management of the Center The Center shall have : a General Manager ; and 2 ) the necessary staff . Powers and Duties of the General Manager 1 ) The General Manager shall be the chief executive officer of the Center and shall , subject to the general directives of the Ministry , direct and administer the activities of the Center . 2 ) Without limiting the generality stated under Sub - Article ( 1 ) of this Article , the General Manager shall : ( a ) exercise the powers and duties of the Center specified under Article 5 hereof ; ( b ) prepare and submit to the Ministry the annual budget and work program of the Center , and implement same upon approval ; c ) employ and administer the employees of the center in accordance with directives to be issued by the Ministry following the basic principles of the federal civil service laws ; ( d ) effect expenditure in accordance with the approved budget and work program of the Center ; ( e ) represent the Center in all its dealings with third parties ; ( f ) prepare and submit to the Ministry the activity and financial reports of the Center . 3 ) The General Manager may , to the extent necessary for the efficient performance of the activities of the center , delegate part of his powers and duties to other officials and employees of the Center ; provided , however , that in the case of an official who acts on his behalf for more than thirty days , prior approval by the Ministry shall be required . 8. Budget The budget of the Center shall be drawn from the following Sources : 1 ) income from any service rendered by the Center ; 2 ) subsidy granted by the Federal Government ; 3 ) donations . Books of Accounts 1 ) The Center shall keep complete and accurate books of accounts . The African Law Archive * — No. 9 19 December 1997– Page 659 2 ) The accounts and financial documents of the Center shall be audited annually by the Auditor General or by auditors appointed by him . 10. Transfer of Property The Center shall own the property transferred to it from the Constitution Commission and the Constitutional Assem 11. Effective Date These Regulations shall enter into force on the date of their Done at Addis Ababa , this 19h day of December 1997 . PRIME MINISTER OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive
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