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Definition of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 4-1995

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1st Year No. 4 ADDIS ABABA - 23rd August, 1995 


Proclamation No. 4/1995

Defination of Powers and Duties of the Excutive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation 



WHEREAS, it is found necessary to define the powers and duties of the executive organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia;

NOW, THEREFORE in accordance with Article 55(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:



1. Short Title

This Proclamation may be cited as the "Definition of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 4/1995." 

2. Definition

In this Proclamation: "Region" means a Region specified under Article 47 of the constitution, being a member of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. 


The Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers 

3. Powers and Duties of the Prime Minister

The powers and duties of the Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia shall be as specified under Article 74 of the Constitution. 

4. Powers and Duties of the Deputy Prime Minister

The powers and duties of the Deputy Prime Minister of, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia shall be as specified under Article 75 of the Constitution.

5. Powers and Duties of the Council of Ministers

The powers and duties of the Council of Ministers of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia shall, be as specified under Article 77 of the Constitution. 

6. Members of the Council of Ministers

1. The council of Ministers shall have the following members:

a. the Prime Minister;

b. the Deputy Prime Minister;

c. Ministers that head the Ministries specified under Article 9 hereunder;

d. other officials to be designated by the Prime Minister for participation in the capacity of membership.

2. Where any Minister referred to in Sub-Article (1) (c) of this Article cannot attend the meetings of the Council the Vice Minister or, in cases where there are more than one Vice Ministers, the Senior Vice Minster of the Ministry shall, take part in the meetings of the Council as a substitute member. 

7. Meeting Procedure of the Council of Ministers 

1. The Council of Ministers shall:

a. hold ordinary and extraordinary meetings in accor­dance with its rules of procedure;

b. have a quorum where more man half of its members are present;

c. pass decisions by consensus or, failing that, by majority vote;

d. have its own rules of procedure;

2. The Prime Minister shall:

a. fix the agenda of the Council, without prejudice to the rights of the members of the Council of Ministers to propose an agenda;

b. chair the meetings of the Council;

c. postpone the meetings of the Council under circumstances where he finds it necessary to defer a case brought before the Council itemized in its agenda, to a standing committee of the council;

3. In the absence of the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister shall chair the meetings of the council. 

8. Standing Committees of the Council

1. The council of Ministers shall, with a view to efficiently exercising its powers and duties, have various Standing Committees comprised of its members.

2. The powers and duties of Standing Committees shall be defined in the rules of procedure of the council. 



9. Establishment

The following Ministries are hereby established:

1. the Ministry of Agriculture;

2. the Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation;

3. the Ministry of Trade and Industry;

4. the Ministry of Mines and Energy;

5. the Ministry of Public Works and Urban Development;

6. the Ministry of Water Resources;

7. the Ministry of Transport and Communications;

8. the Ministry of Labour and social affairs;

9. the Ministry of Finance;

10. the ministry of Education;

11. the Ministry of Health;

12. the Ministry of Justice;

13. the Ministry of Information and Culture;

14. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

15. the Ministry of National Defence.

10. Common Powers and Duties of Ministries

Each Ministry shall:

1. in its field of activity:

a. initiate policies and laws, prepare plans and budget and, upon approval, implement same;

b. ensure the enforcement of laws, regulations and directives of the Federal Government;

c. undertake studies and research; collect and compile statistical data;

d. give assistance and advice, as necessary, to Regional executive organs;

e. enter into contracts and international agreements in accordance with the law.

2. perform the duties specified in this Proclamation and such others as are assigned to it by other laws.

3. Submit periodic activity reports to the Council of Ministers. 

11. Accountability and Responsibility of Ministers

1. Each Minister shall, as regards the execution of responsibilities, programmes and laws concerning the given Ministry, be accountable to the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers.

2. Each Minister shall:

a. direct and represent the Ministry;

b. exercise the powers and duties of the Ministry; 

12. The Ministry of Agriculture

The Ministry of Agriculture shall have, the powers and duties to:

1. cause the expansion of agricultural development;

2. prepare land-use policy as well as draft laws on the conservation and utilization of forest and wildlife resources;

3. encourage and assist the provisions of agricultural extension services to peasants;

4. facilitate the provisions of agricultural inputs, agricultural mechanization services and credit facilities to peasants;

5. establish and direct research and training establish­ments that may assist the enhancement of the develop­ment of agriculture and the improvement of rural technology;

6. cause the undertaking of studies pertaining to and the protection of the country's plant genetic resources; control the quality of improved seeds produced locally or imported;

7. encourage the organization of peasants and the de­velopment of peasant cooperatives;

8. encourage agricultural investments; except insofar as such power is expressly given by law to another organ, issue agricultural licences to and supervise foreign investors engaged in agricultural activities;

9. ensure the conducting of quarantine controls on plants, seeds, animals and animal products brought into or taken out of the country;

10. register and control veterinary drugs and pesticidcs to be used in the country;

11. cause the provision of assistance in necessary extension services to pastoralist peoples. 

13. The Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation

The Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation shall have the powers and duties to:

1. Initiate policy proposals that help to define the country's long-term development perspective and, on the basis of same, to set development priorities and strategy;

2. prepare and, upon approval, follow up the im­plementation of long, medium and short - term development plans that are based on the country's development strategy and to be executed by the Federal Government;

3. prepare the population policy of the country; and, upon approval, follow up its execution;

4. in cooperation with the concerned organs, cause the study and preparation of and review projects based on the long, medium and short-term plans and to be executed by the Federal Government;

5. prepare annual development programme and sup­porting capital budget proposal upon analyzing development programmes and supporting capital budget proposals received from Federal Govern­ment organs; present said annual development programme and supporting capital budget proposal to the Ministry of Finance for consolidation into the annual Federal Government budget and, upon approval, follow up the implementation of same;

6. identify investment areas on indicative plans to assist the private sector in making investment decisions; in cooperation with the appropriate organs, initiate policy proposals with a view to encouraging and promoting the private sector;

7. undertake economic studies and research and prepare plan methodology and general macro­economic and social parameters and guidelines that enable the preparation of the country's long, medium and short-term development plans;

8. cause the carrying out in mapping statistical and other development information, in its own field;

9. prepare plan preparation and presentation guidelines; ensure the distribution in due time of

  same to concerned organs;

10.formulate strategies with a view to increasing the type and volume of foreign development aid and loans; negotiate and sign aid and loan agreements and, in cooperation with the concerned organs, follow up their implementaition;

11.evaluate the execution of development plans and submit annual report to the Council of Minisiers.

14. The Ministry of Trade and Industry

The Ministry of Trade and Industry shall have the powers and duties to:

1. cause the expansion of trade, industry and han­dicrafts; encourage the extensive engagement of domestic investors in trade and industrial activities; provide technical, advisory and other services;

2. initiate industrial projects in which the Federal Government may engage itself in accordance with the investment policy and law; cause same to be studied and implemented;

3. conduct studies that help to control unfair trade practices, and follow up their implementation;

4. undertake studies relating to basic commodities and services that have to be under price-control and upon approval, follow up the implementation of same;

5. direct and control trade carried out amongst Regions as well as foreign trade;

6. cause the organization of exhibitions, within the country and in other countries, of the Country's industrial, agricultural and other products and participate in exhibitions organized by other coun­tries;

7. except insofar as such power is expressly given by law to another organ, issue licences to and supervise investors engaged in foreign trade as well as foreign investors engaged in any trade or industrial activity;

8. organize and administer a central commercial register;

9. encourage the establishment of chamber of commerce; give assistance to the chamber of    commerce established at the national level.

15. The Ministry of Mines and Energy

The Ministry of Mines and Energy shall have the powers and duties to:

1. cause the expansion of the mines and energy development of the country;

2. col1ect and maintain a depository of mineral and energy data and prepare reports;

3. prepare draft laws on the conservation and utilization of mineral resources;

4. license and supervise, in accordance with the law private investors to be engaged in the prospecting & mining of minerals;

5. undertake studies concerning the deveopment and utilization of energy; and promote the growth and expansion of the country's electric energy supply;

6. In cooperation with the appropriate organs, ensure the availability of gas, petroleum and by products necessary for the country;

7. in cooperation with the appropriate organs, determine the volume of energy reserves and ensure that same is maintained;

8. establish, as may be necessary, research and training centers that may asist the enhancement of the development of mining and energy.

16. The Ministry of Public Works and Urban Development

The Ministry of Public Works and Urban Development shall have the powers and duties to:

1. prepare the country's building code; issue standards for design and construction works; and follow up and supervise the implementation of same;

2. cause the preparation of designs and contract documents necessary for government construction financed by the Federal Government;

3. cause the supervision of and inspect, the execution of construction works financed by the federal Government to ensure their conformity with the quality standards, time limits and cost as provided in their contracts;

4. determine conditions under which design, construc­tion and supervision contracts concerning construc­tion works financed by the Federal Government or the Regional Governments may be awarded to foreign contractors and consultants;

5. register and issue certificates of competence to engineers and architects; determine the grade of contractors and consultants; license and supervise local contractors and consultants that may be able to compete at the national level as well as construction and consulting firms established by foreign investors;

6. undertake study and research activities with a view to improving the types and qualities of local construction materials;

7. undertake studies relating to urbanization patterns; prescribe standards for the grading of urban centers; upon the request of Regional Governments and in accordance with priorities set by it, cause studies to be undertaken pertaining to the social, economic and other factors of urban centers and the preparation of master plans for them, and provide technical assistance to Regional Governments with regard to the implementation of same;

8. supervise the administration of urban houses owned by the Federal Government except insofar as such power is specifically given by law to another government organ, and cause the repair and main­tenance of same;

9. ensure the provision of facilities to urban dwellers so that they may be able to construct and use dwelling houses compatible with their own means;

10. encourage the establishment of housing cooperatives, and devise ways and means for providing assistance to them;

11. in cooperation with the appropriate organs, cause the training of manpower necessary for the construction and the urban development sector; and establish training institutions as may be necessary;

12. delegate part of its powers to another Federal Governmet organ when it deems it necessary for purposes of efficiency.

17. The Ministry of Water Resources

The Ministry of Water Resources shall have the powers and duties to:

1. determine conditions and methods required for the optimum allocation and utilization of water that flows across or lies between more than one Regional Governments among various uses and regions;

2. prepare draft laws concerning the protection and utilization of water resources;

3. issue permits to construct and operate water works relating to waters referred to in sub-article (1) of this Article; and regulate same;

4. make appropriate studies concerning water tariff and, upon approval, collect bulk charges for water use under sub-article (1) of this Article;

5. undertake studies pertaining to the utilization of the waters of transboundary rivers and, upon approval, follow up the implementation of same;

6. prepare plans that help to properly utilize water resources for development purposes supervise their implementation upon approval;

7. provide all the assistance deemed necessary with regard to water resources development;

8. sign international agreements relating to transboun­dary rivers, in accordance with the law;

9. in cooperation with the appropriate organs, prescribe the quality standards for waters to be used for various purposes;

10. supervise the proper rendering of meteorological services.

18. Ministry of Transport and Communications

The Ministry of Transport and Communications shall have the powers and duties to:

1. cause the expansion of, and supervise, air, rail and sea transport services as well as postal and telecom­munications services;

2. prepare draft laws concerning the regulation of transport and communications services;

3. facilitate the integrated development and effective and coordinated utilization of all modes of transport and communication of the country;

4. regulate maritime and transit services as well as road transport services that link Regions;

5. issue directives concerning the registration and inspection of air, land, rail and sea carriers and communications equipment, the granting of operating permits and the licensing of operators;

6. register all Ethiopian ships; issue certificates on their sea worthiness;

7. provide for search and rescue operations and for the taking of appropriate measures in the case of air or marine transport accidents;

8. in cooperation with the appropriate organs, cause the training of manpower necessary for transport and communications sector.

19. The Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of finance shall have the powers and duties to:

1. prepare and submit to the Council of Ministers, together with its recommendations, a consolidated annual budget of the Federal Government upon analyzing recurrent budget proposals received from Federal Government organs, capital budget proposals prepared and forwarded to it by the Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation and requests from Regional Govern­ments for budgetary subsidies; and administer the approved budget;

2. submit periodically to the Council of Ministers general report on the Federal Government's finan­cial operation and situation; prepare and submit supplementary budget when necessary;

3. establish accounting systems for the Federal Gover­nment and supervise the implementation of same; inspect the accounts of Federal Government organs and the accounts of Regional Governments with respect to budgetary subsidies granted to them by the Federal Government;

4. borrow money in the name of the Federal Govern­ment from internal sources in accordance with the appropriate law; administer the Federal Govern­ment's internal and external debts;

5. be the repository of and safeguard the Federal Government's shares, negotiable and non-negotiable instruments and other similar financial assets;

6. issue and supervise the implementation of directive concerning the purchase and utilization of Federal Government supplies; assist in the preparation of directives concerning the purchase and utilization of Regional Governments' supplies;

7. account for and administer property of the Federal Government which is not administered or used by any other organ of the Federal Government;

8. in cooperation with the National Bank and other concerned organs, initiate proper monetary policy with a view to enhancing the country's economic growth, stability and justice as well as the nor­malization of money circulation and exchange rates;

9. submit to the Council of Ministers reports on the annual financial operation of the Federal Govern­ment and on total Government revenue and expen­diture.

20. The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs shall have the powers and duties to;

1. prepare draft laws concerning labour relations and, upon approval, supervise their enforcement;

2. determine standards and measures for the safety and health of workers and follow up their implemen­tation;

3. issue directives concerning the registration of em­ployers' and workers' unions register and assist employers' and workers' unions established at the national level;

4. facilitate and assist the efficient settlement of collec­tive bargaining and labour disputes following the prescribed legal procedure;

5. in cooperation with the appropriate organs, undertake studies on the manpower employed in the country and on occupational classification;

6. issue and follow up the implementation of directives regarding the registration of job-seekers and vacan­cies and employment exchnge; determine conditions for the issuance of, and issue, work permits to foreign nationals and stateless persons;

7. collect, compile and disseminate information on manpower and employment, safety and health of workers and on other matters relating to labour relations;

8. undertake studies regarding special government assistance to be given to women, in particular in the field of education, training and employment, so that they should be able to have equal participation with men in political, economic, social and cultural activities; and follow up the implementation of same upon approval;

9. in cooperation with the appropriate organs, study, and give assistance for, the implementation of ways and means for the proper upbringing of children and youth;

10. study and, in cooperation with the appropriate organs, ensure the implementation of ways and means for providing assistance to the aged and the disabled as well as the rehabilitation of the disa­bled;

11. undertake studies on the prevention of social problems; coordinate and give assistance to the appropriate organs in eliminating social problems;

12. in cooperation with the appropriate organs, study and, upon approval, follow up the implementation of ways and means for the protection of family and marriage institutions. 

2l. The Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education shall have the powers and duties to:

1. devise and facilitate the implementation of ways and means of extending education throughout the coun­try;

2. determine and supervise the implementation of the country's educational standard;

3. determine the educational curriculum offered at the level of senior secondary schools, higher education institutions and training institutions of a similar status, and the type and standard of certificates to be awareded to students; provide assistance to Regional Governments in the preparation of educational curriculum for elementary and junior secondary schools; ensure that the curriculum prepared at any level is free from religious, political and cultural influences;

4. determine the qualifications required for teaching at each level of education; train teachers and educational personnel as may be necessary and provide assistance to training programmes offered at regional level;

5. cause the preparation and offering of examinations given at the national level for purposes of promoting students from one level of education to another and for various recruitments; award certificates thereto;

6. ensure the availability of educational materials and textbooks in adequate quality and quantity;

7. establish higher education institutions, determine their internal administrative organization; determine the criteria for admission to higher education ins­titutions;

8. except insofar as such power is expressly given by law to another organ, license private higher education institutions as well as any schools established by foreign organizations and investors and supervise same;

9. prepare and implement projects designed to improve the quality and enhance the expansion of education; encourage and give technical assistance to Regions in the preparation and implementation of such projects;

10. in cooperation with the appropriate organs, devise ways and means of providing special assistance in rendering educational services to minority nationalities, women, children and adults;

11. ensure that the education given at every level is being supported by educational mass media; assist Regions in establishing their own educational mass media;

12. collect, compile and disseminate information on education;

13. devise ways and means of encouraging the provision of various student services;

14. supervise educational and training institutions run by other Federal Government organs with a view to ensuring their compliance with the prescribed standard, and accredit same;

15. classify degrees, diplomas and certificates awarded by foreign higher education institutions. 

22. The Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health shall have the powers and duties to:

1. cause the expansion of health services;

2. establish and administer referral hospitals as well as study and research centers;

3. determine standards to be maintained by health services; except insofar as such power is expressly given by law to another organ, issue licences to and supervise hospitals and health services established by foreign organizations and investors;

4. determine the qualifications of professionals required for engaging in public health services at various levels; issue certificates of competence to same;

5. cause the study of traditional medicines, organize research and experimental centers for same;

6. cause research to be undertaken on traditional medicines and, for this purpose, organize centers for research and experiment;

7. devise and follow up the implementation of ways and means of preventing and eradicating communicable diseases;

8. undertake the necessary quarantine controls to protect public health;

9. undertake studies with a view to determining the nutritional value of foods; 

23. The Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice shall have the powers and duties to;

1. be chief advisor to the Federal Government on matters of law;

2. represent the Federal Government in criminal cases falling under the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts;

3. as the superior authority, direct and supervise, the Federal, police force and prison administration;

4. instruct for investigation where it believes that a crime, falling under the jurisdiction of the Federal courts, has been committed; order the discontinuance of an investigation or instruct for further investigation on good cause;

5. study the causes of and the methods for prevention of crimes;

6. see to it that witnesses to a criminal case are accorded protection, as necessary;

7. assist victims of crimes in civil proceedings for the recovery of damages resulting from grave injury where such victims are unable to institute such proceedings in the Federal Courts;

8. institute, cause to be instituted or intervene in proceedings before Federal and Regional Courts; any judicial body or arbitration tribunal where the rights and interests of the public and of the Federal Government so require;

9. register, in cooperation with other concerned organs, non-profit making foreign organizations and trans­Regional associations;

10. follow-up, as necessary, the handling of civil suits and claims to which the Federal Government or its organs are a party; cause reports to be submitted to it on same, where it find it necessary, and ensure that competent manpower is assigned for the purpose;

11. assist in the preparation of draft laws when so requested by Federal Government organs and Regional Governments;

12. issue, supervise and revoke licences to advocates for practice before courts of the Federal Government;

13. provide legal education through the use of various methods with a view to raising public legal cons­ciousness in relation with protection of human rights; cooperate with the appropriate body as regards legal education and training;

14. submit to the Head of State, together with an opinion, the record of any case involving death sentence with respect to which petition for pardon has been lodged;

15. carry out the codification and consolidation of laws; collect laws of Regional Governments and con­solidate same as necessary. 

24. The Ministry of Information and Culture

The Ministry of Information and Culture shall have the powers and duties to:

1. be the spokesman of the Federal Government;

2. encourage the development and expansion of culture, arts, fine arts and creative talent;

3. study Ethiopian pre-history, history and culture; make the necessary provisions for the discovery, protection, study, maintenance and utilization of ancient monuments and other historical relies; keep a register of antiquities and cultures which are in the process of extinction, together with detailed descrip­tion;

4. cause, assist and encourage the study of the language of Ethiopian nations/nationalities and the enhan­cement and expansion of literature;

5. issue and supervise the implementation of directives concerning the study of antiquities as well as the conditions under which they may temporarily be taken to another country for purposes of research or exhibition; in cooperation with the concerned or­gans, promote cultural cooperation with other coun­tries;

6. publicize, both locally and abroad, Ethiopia and its peoples as well as social and economic activities being carried out;

7. create conditions conducive to the development of the country's film production and theatrical arts;

8. cause the establishment and expansion of national libraries, archives and museums;

9. license any press activity other than newspapers and magazines the distribution of which is limited to one Region; and issue permits to foreign press correspon­dents stationed in the Country.

25. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Ministry of foreign Affairs shall have the powers and duties to:

1. based on studies undertaken on the country's foreign relations, formulate and submit to the government policy guidelines on foreign affairs and, upon approval, follow up their implementation;

2. in consultation with the concerned organs, negotiate and sign treaties and agreements Ethiopia enters into with other states and international organizations which are approved by the Government, except insofar as such power is specifically given by law to another organ, and effect all formalities of ratification of treaties and agreements;

3. coordinate all relations of other government organs with foreign states and international organizations;

4. keep contacts as may be necessary, with foreign diplomatic and consular representatives in Ethiopia as well as with representatives of international organizations with a view to facilitating the protec­tion of mutual interests;

5. coordinate and supervise the acdvities of Ethiopia's diplomatic and consular missions and offices of the permanent representatives of Ethiopia to inter­national organizations;

6. ensure the enforcement of rights and obligations arising from treaties and agreements signed by the Ethiopian Government except insofar as specific power has legally been delegated to another organ;

7. register and keep all authentic copies of international treaties and agreements concluded between Ethiopia and other states or international organizations;

8. perform the functions of a depository of multilateral treaties and agreements when the Ethiopian Government is such a depository;

9. ensure the privileges and immunities of foreign diplomatic missions and representatives of inter­national organizations under international law and treaties to which Ethiopia is a party are respected;

10. in cooperation with the appropriate organs, safeguard the interests and rights of the country and ensure that they are respected by foreign states and that the interests and the rights of Ethiopian nationals abroad are protected;

11. ensure that good neighbourly relations with neighbouring countries are strengthened;

12. issue diplomatic passports;

13. carry out, in cooperation with the appropriate organs, matters regarding persons who apply for asylum and Ethiopian nationality.

26. The Ministry of National Defence

The Ministry of National Defence shall have the powers and duties to:

1. in cooperation with the appropriate organs, defend the territorial integrity of the country;

2. establish, equip and supervise defence forces and ensure their combat capabilities;

3. ensure that the composition of the national defence force embodies fair representation of nations, nationalities and peoples and that it carries out its duties in a manner devoid of partiality to political parties;

4. organize training establishments of the defence forces;

5. enforce security measures where situations endangering public safety are beyond the control of Regional Governments;

6. cooperate with and coordinate the activities of the appropriate Federal and Regional Government or­gans in matters relating to the defence of the country;

7. construct and cause the construction of and organize camps and facilities required by the defenre forces;

8. prepare and get authorized advance plans for the coordinated utilization of resources in the country that may be required for an event of national mobilization;

9. prepare schemes whereby the population can defend itself or guard against enemy threats and attacks where general mobilization is declared; implement same, upon authorization, in cooperation with the cocerned organs;

10. ensure that in time of peace the defence forces participate in the country's development activities.

27. Other federal Executive Organs

The powers and duties of other executive organs of the Federal Government, accountable to the Council of Ministers, shall be as provided for under other relevant laws.




28. Repeals and Saving

The following laws are hereby repealed:

a. Provisions relating to the powers and duties of central executive organs, under the Definition of Powers and Duties of the Central and Regional Executive Organs of the Transitional Government of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 41/1993 (as amended).

b. The Definition of Powers and Duties of the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers Proclamation No. 2/1991.

29. Transfer of Rights and Obligations

1. The rights and obligations of the Ministries of Industry and Trade are hereby transferred to the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

2. The rights and obligations of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Cooperation are hereby transferred to the Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation.

3. The rights and obligations of the Ministry of Natural Resources Development and Environmental Protec­tion are hereby transferred to:

a. the Ministry of Agriculture, as relating directly to Forestry and Wildlife.

b. the environmental Protection Authority, as relating direcctly to environmental protection.

c. the Ministry of Water Resources, as relating to those outside of the ones, specified under (a) and (b) herein above. 

30. Effective Date

This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the 23rd day of August, 1995.


Done at Addis Ababa, this 23rd day of August, 1995





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