OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 11 Year No. 34 ADDIS ABABA- 28th April , 2005 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 447/2005 ማስፈፀሚያ | African Development Fund Loan Agreement for Reduction Program Ratification Proclamation Page 3093 PROCLAMATION NO . 447/2005 . A PROCLAMATION TO RATIFY THE LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIAN AND THE AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT FUND WHEREAS , a Loan Agreement , between the Federal Democratic republic of Ethiopia and African Development Fund stipulating that the African Development and Poverty Reduction Programme , was signed on the 3rd day of February 2005 WHEREAS , the House of Peoples ' Representatives 14 day of April , 2005 ; Sub - Articles ( 1 ) and ( 12 ) of the Constitution , , it is hereby proclaimed as follows ; 1. Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the “ African Development Fund Loan Agreement for Financing Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Program Ratification Proclamation No. 447/2005 . ” Unit Price The African Law Archive Page 3094 2. Ratification of the Agreement The Loan Agreement No. 2100150008444 signed between the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the African Development fund on the 3rd day of February 2005 . 3. Power of the Minister of Finance and Economic Development The Minister of Finance and Economic Development is hereby empowered to undertake all acts necessary for the utilization of the credit amount of UA 60,000,000 ( sixty million Units of Account ) in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Loan Agreement . 4. Effective Date The Pro amation shall enter into force on the 28 " day of April , 2005 . Done at Addis Ababa , the 28th day of April , 2005 PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive
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