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The Ethiopian Civil Service College establishment Council of Ministers Regulations No. 3 -1996

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OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 2 Year No. 11 ADDIS ABABA - 15 February , 1996 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 23/1996 Mining Income Tax ( Amendment ) Proclamation Page 119 Council of Ministers Regulations No. 3/1996 The Ethiopian Civil Service College Establishment Council of Ministers Regulations Page 120 PROCLAMATION NO . 23/1996 A PROCLAMATION TO AMEND THE MINING INCOME TAX PROCLAMATION WHEREAS , it has become necessary to amend the NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Article 55 ( 1 ) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia , it is hereby proclaimed as follows : 1. Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the " Mining Income Tax ( Amendment ) Proclamation No. 23/1996 " Sub - Article ( 1 ) of Article 3 of the Mining Income Tax Proclamation No. 53/1993 is hereby deleted and replaced by the following new sub - Article ( 1 ) : " ( 1 ) A holder of large - scale or small - scale mining license shall pay 35 percent income tax on the taxable income . " 3. Effective Date This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the 15 " day of February , 1996 . Done at Addis Ababa , this 15h day of February , 1996 PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA Unit Price * * The African Law Archive * COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS NO 3/1996 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ETHIOPIAN CIVIL SERVICE COLLEGE These Regulations are issued by the Council of Ministers pursuant to Article 5 of the definition of powers and duties of the executive organs branch of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 4 / PART ONE General 1. Short Title These regulations may be cited as the “ The Ethiopian Civil Service College establishment Council of Minis ters Regulations No. 3/1996 . " 2. Establishment 1 ) The Ethiopian Civil Service College ( herein after referred to as the College " ) is hereby established as an autonomous higher education institution having its own legal personality . 2 ) The Coilege shall be accountable to the Prime Minister . 3. Objectives The College shall have the following objectives : 1 ) with a view to enhancing the Socio - economic development of the Ethiopian people especially to create conditions under which civil servants working in the Regions serve the people by training them in various skills and professions , to give special emphasis to women and backward regions in admission of students ; 2 ) to search for , cultivate , preserve and transmit knowledge ; to provide education that fully develops the personality and strengthens the respect for human dignity , by promoting mutual respect , understan ding , friendship and tolerance free from ethnic , nationality , sex , religious and other prejudices ; 4 ) to inculcate the dignity of work and dedication for the well being of the society ; 5 ) to conduct research and studies on different fields and disseminate fruitful results thereof . 4. Power and Duties of the College The College shall have the following powers and duties : 1 ) to establish faculties and other academic and research units ; to design and implement undergraduate and 3 ) to confer academic certificates , diplomas and degrees , as well as medals , prizes and titles for excellence and meritorious contributions ; 4 ) to organize and conduct seminars , workshops and symposium ; 5 ) to establish relations with domestic and foreign sister institutions , research institutions and other organizations having similar objectives ; 6 ) to establish and publish academic journals and news letter The African Law Archive 7 ) to own property ; 8 ) to enter into contracts ; 9 ) to sue and be sued in its ow . ame ; 10 ) to carry out other activities as are necessary for the attainment of its objectives . PART TWO Policy Making and Executive Organs of the College 1 ) The College shall have Board of Governors consisting of seven members appointed by the Prime Minister . 2 ) The Board shall have its own Secretary . 6. Powers and Duties of the Board The Board shall have the following powers and duties : 1 ) to establish and determine the general academic and administrative policy of the College ; 2 ) to get the charter of the College which regulates its administration drafted and submit it to the Govern ment ; 3 ) to determine the organization of the College ; 4 ) to recommend to the Prime Minister nominees for the Vice - Presidents of the College ; 5 ) to approve the rank of professors ; 6 ) to determine conditions under which the teaching and research staff of the College shall be employed and administered ; 7 ) to approve the plan and draft budget of the College ; 8 ) to prepare the emblem of the College ; 9 ) to fix and determine fees and charges to be paid to the College ; 10 ) to inquire and decide any complaint concerning the College by any person with respect to a decision given by the College or any organ of it ; 11 ) to approve academic agreements made by the College with domestic and foreign educational institutions ; 12 ) to provide its own rules of procedure ; 13 ) to perform such other duties as are conducive to the attainment of the objectives of the College . 7. Establishment of the Faculty Council ( Senate ) A Faculty Council which consists the following members shall be established ; 1 ) the President of the College Chairman 2 ) the Vice - Presidents of the College Members 3 ) the Deans of the Faculties 4 ) the Registrar of the College 5 ) Dean of Students 6 ) three teachers elected from the permanent academic staff 7 ) A student representative elected by the students . 8 ) A secretary to be elected by the Faculty Council Secretary 8. Powers and Duties of the Faculty Council The Faculty Council shall be accountable to the President of the College and subject to the general policy stated by the Board . The council shall have the following Powers and Duties : 1 ) examine and approve the academic calendar of the College : The African Law Archive 2 ) approve the College's various academic programmes ; 3 ) decide on the conferring of degrees as well as medals and prizes ; 4 ) formulate criteria for admission of students , deter mination of academic standards , settlement of dis ciplinary problems and to hear and decide complaints on these matters ; 5 ) formulate guidlines for determining examination nature and methods ; 6 ) recommend to the board the conferring of the rank of professorship and approve other promotions in academic rank ; 7 ) issue its own rules of procedure ; 8 ) perform such other duties as may be given to it by the board . 9. Appointment and Accountablity of the President and the Vice - Presidents of the College . 1. The President of the College who is accountable to the Board shall be appointed by the Prime Minister . 2. Vice - Presidents of the College who are accountable to the president shall be appointed pursuant to Article 6 ( 4 ) of these regulations . The President of the College shall have the following powers and duties : 1 ) to guide , administer and control the activities of the College as a head ; 2 ) to follow up and ensure the implementation of the decisions and directives of the Board and Faculty Council ; 3 ) to employ and administer those engaged in teaching and research activities in the College in accordance with the directives issued by the Board ; to fix their salary and allowance in addition to administer the administrative staff of the College in accordance with Civil Service Laws ; 4 ) to submit to the Board the annual work programme and budget of the College for approval ; to implement the same upon approval ; 5 ) upon approval by the Board to sign all agreements and contractual documents entered into on behalf of the College ; 6 ) to open and dispose bank accounts on behalf of the College ; 7 ) to represent the College with third parties ; 8 ) to submit reports to the Board on the activities of the College every three months ; 9 ) to perform such other duties as may be given to him by the Board and the Faculty Council . 1 ) In accordance to the directives given by the President ; the Vice - Presidents of the College shall have the following powers and duties : ( a ) to advice and support the President on the activities of the College ; ( b ) to followup and ensure the implementation of decisions and directives given by departments accountable to them , by the Board and by the Faculty Council ; ( c ) to followup and ensure the implementation of courses offered by the College according to the academic calendar and academic programme approved by the Faculty Council ; * The African Law Archive * ( d ) to provide assistances and services necessary for the teaching - learning process ; ( e ) to perform such other duties specifically given by the Board , by the Faculty Council and by the President . 2 ) The academic affairs Vice - President shall act as President in case of absence of the President He shall then direct and co - ordinate the activities of the College . Each Faculty shall set up its own academic commission accountable to the Council which shall be composed of : 1 ) Dean of the Faculty .......... . Chairman 2 ) Vice - Dean of the Faculty Members 3 ) Department Heads 4 ) Three teachers elected by the permanent academic staff of the the Faculty 5 ) One of the three teachers representatives Secretary . 13. Powers and Duties of the Academic Commission . The Academic Commission shall have the following powers and duties : 1 ) to prepare the academic calendar the academic programme of the faculty following the academic policy of the College ; implement the same upon approval by the Faculty Council ; 2 ) to determine the examination given by the faculty based upon the yearly academic calendar and academic programme ; 3 ) to recommend to the Faculty Council students who have successfully complete their education and who shall receive a degree ; 4 ) to forward to the Faculty Council for approval list of students who are going to be promoted to the next level ; 5 ) to examine and decide academic problems concer ning the faculty . PART THREE Miscellaneous 14. Other Organs of the College The composition and functioning of organs of the various academic and research units of the College shall be determined by the Board . 15. Budget The budget of the College shall be drawn from : 1 ) budgetary allocations by the Federal Government ; 2 ) fees collected by the College ; and 3 ) any other sources 16. Inapplicable Laws Any regulations and directives inconsistent with the provisions of these Regulations shall not be applicable . The African Law Archive 17. Effective Date These Regulations shall enter into force on the date of Done at Addis Ababa , this 154h day of February , 1996 PRIME MINISTER OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC . REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA AfricanLaw The African Law Archive

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