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African Law Archive
Postage Rates (Amendment) Regulations NO 315/1966

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25th Year - No. 16
Legal Notice No. 315 of 1966 of 1966 Postage Rates (Amendment) Regulations
Addis Ababa, 8th June, 1966
LEGALL NOTICE No. 315 of 1966
Issued Pursuant to the
Post Office Proclamation, 1942.
These Regulations are issued by the Minister of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones pursuant to authority vested in him by Article 2 of the Post Office Proclamation, 1942 (Proclamation No. 17 of 1942).
These Regulations may be cited as the " Postage Rates (Amendment) Regulations, 1966 ".
The Postage Rates Regulations, 1961 (Legal Notice No. 245 of 1961) are hereby amended as follows:
(1) Chapter 2 is renumbered as chapter 1.
(2) The abbreviation " cts ". is deleted wherever it ap pears.
The African Law Archive
Page 77
(3) In chapter 2, renumbered as chapter 1.
(a) Paragraph 1 is deleted
(b) Paragraphs 2 through 9 are renumbered as pa ragraphs l through 8; and
(c) In paragraph 4, renumbered as paragraph 3, the words " Commercial Papers " are deleted.
(a) The words " Additional fees for Special Services " which appear after paragraph 9 renumbered as para graph 8 of chapter 2 renumbered as chapter 1 are deleted and replaced by the following headings: “ Chapter 2 ”
Fees for Special Services. **
(b) Paragraphs 10 through 18 of chapter 2 renumbered as chapter 1 are renumbered as paragraphs 1 through 9 of new chapter 2.
(c) Former paragraph 10 of chapter 2 renumbered as paragraph 1 of the new chapter 2 is amended to read as follows:
“ 1. Registration fee......... $ 0.50 "
rence to " Commercial Papers " is deleted.
6. Chapter 3 is amended to read as follows:

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