27th Year
No. 21
Addis Ababa, 7th August, 1968
Legal Notice No. 341 of 1968
Addis Ababa Land Tax (Classification) Regulations....
Legal Notice No. 341 of 1968
Addis Ababa Land Tax Classification Regulations,
1. These Regulations are promulgated by the Kantiba of the City of Addis Ababa in accordance with Article 6 of the Addis Ababa Land and Building Tax Regulations, 1964 (Legal Notice No.301 of 1964) (the “ Principal Regulation. ”)
2. These Regulations may be cited as the " Addis Ababa. Land Tax (Classification) Regulations, 1968. "
The African Law Archive
3. The map annexed hereto as Schedule I shall be deem ed to constitute the classification by the Land and Building Assessment Department of the City of Addis Ababa of all land located within the City of Addis Ababa as required by Article 6 of the Principal Regulations and for all of the pur poses thereof.
4. Changes in the land classification provided herein may be made from time to time by the Land and Building Assessment Department when required by variations in the value of the land so reclassified without republication of the map constituting such reclassification.
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5. These Regulations shall enter into effect as of 1 Me skarem 1960 (E. C.) and all land and building taxes payable in accordance with the provisions of the Principal Regulations after said date shall be based upon the classification provid ed herein.
Done at Addis Ababa this 7th day of August, 1968.
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