OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 10 Year No. 34 ADDIS ABABA - 21 " March 2004 CONTENTS Council of Ministers Regulation No. 101/2004 Providing Foreign Nationals of Ethiopian Origin with certain Rights and Privileges to be Exercised in their Country of Origin Regulation Page 2595 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATION NO . 101/2004 A COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATION TO PROVIDE FOREIGN NATIONALS OF ETHIOPIAN ORIGIN WITH CERTAIN RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO BE EXERCISED IN THEIR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN This regulation is issued pursuant to the authority vested in the Council of Ministers under Article 5 of Proclamation PART ONE GENERAL 1. Short Title This Regulation may be cited as “ Providing Foreign Nationals of Ethiopian Origin with Certain Rights and Privileges to be Exercised in their Country of Origin Regulation No. 101/2004 . ” In this regulation unless the context otherwise requires ; 1. “ Proclamation ” means Providing Foreign Nationals of Ethiopian Origin with certain Rights and Privileges to be Exercised in their Country of Origin Proclamation No. 270/2002 . ” 2. “ Foreign National of Ethiopian Origin ” means a person that falls within the definition provided under Article 2 ( 1 ) of the Proclamation . Unit Price The African Law Archive 3. “ Ethiopian Mission ” means the Ethiopian Embassy , Permanent Representative Office or Consulate ; 4. “ Ministry ” means the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia ; 5. “ Authority ” means the Authority for Security , Im migration and Refugee Affairs ; 6. Provisions of this Regulation set out in the masculine gender shall also apply to the feminine gender . PART TWO Identification Card for Foreign Nationals of Ethiopian Origin 3. Conditions for Issuance of Identification Card 1. Under this Regulation , Foreign National of Ethiopian Origin shall be issued with Identification Card provided that he fulfills the provisions of the Proclamation and submits an application in accor dance with the procedure set out hereinunder . 2. An application for the issuance of an Identification Card shall be made to the Authority if the applicant is in Ethiopia or to the Ministry through an Ethiopian Mission if the applicant is abroad ; 3. An application for an Identification Card shall be made in the prescribed form prepared by the Ministry and shall be accompanied by ; a ) Four recent passport size photographs ; b ) Documentary evidences showing that the ap plicant is Foreign National of Ethiopian Origin ; c ) A valid passport or another travel document issued by the appropriate body of the country of nationality ; d ) Marriage certificate and birth certificate of his children under the age of 18 if applicable . 4. The Ministry or the Authority , in accordance with this Article shall decide within 30 days from the date of submission of the application whether the Iden tification Card should be issued to the applicant . When there is a decision not issue the Iden tification Card , the reasons for this decision shall be given for the applicant in wrting . 4. Validity of the Identification Card 1 ) An Identification Card issued in accordance with Article 8 of the Proclamation shall be renewable every five years since the date of its issuance ; 2 ) The renewal of the Identification Card shall be made by the Authority if the applicant is in Ethiopia and by Ethiopia Missions if the applicant is abroad . 3 ) Upon the renewal of the Identification Card the renewing authority shall ascertain that the grounds sent out under Article 14 of this Proclamation for canceling the Identification Cared are nonexistent . 5. Service Fees 1 ) A fee of US $ 500 ( Five Hundred American Dollar ) or an equivalent sum of the local currency where the applicant reside or if an applicant is in Ethiopia an equivalent Ethiopian Birr on the basis of the applicable exchange rate shall be payable for the issuance of the Identification Card in accordance with Article 8 of the Proclamation ; 2 ) A fee of US $ 200 ( Two Hundred American Dollar ) or an equivalent sum of the local currency where the applicant reside or if an applicant is in Ethiopia an equivalent Ethiopia Birr on the basis of the ap plicable exchange rate shall be payable for the renewal of the Identification Card in accordance with Article 4 of the Regulation . The African Law Archive X LawArch qolgº no . 21 March , 2004- ~ Page 2597 3 ) Another Identification Card may be issued upon payment of a fee of US $ 300 ( Three Hundred American Dollar ) or an equivalent sum of the local currency where the applicant reside or if an applicant is in Ethiopia an equivalent Ethiopian Birr on the basis of the applicable exchange rate when the Identification Card is lost , provided that it is confir med by local police or for the replacement of damaged Identification Card . 6. Particulars in the Identification Card The following particulars shall be clearly specified in the identification card ; 1 ) The full name including the grand father's name , date and place of birth , sex , nationality and special mark of the holder of the Identification Card ; 2 ) Declaration to the effect that a person holding the Identification cardshall be accorded with rights and privileges specified in the Proclamation ; 3 ) The duration of the validity of the Identification Card ; 4 ) The name of Issuing Authority , the place and date of issuance ; 5 ) If the Identification card is obtained on marital relationship with foreign national of Ethiopian origin , declaration to this effect . PART THREE MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 7. Power to issue Directives The Ministry may issue a directives for the implemen tation of this Regulation . Any Regulations , directives , decisions or procedural practices shall not apply in so far as they are inconsistent with this regulation . 9. Duty to Cooperate Any concerned institution or individual shall provide the necessary assistance in the implementation of this Regulation . 10. Effective Date This Regulation shall come into force on the date of Done at Addis Ababa , this 21s day of March , 2004 . Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia The African Law Archive
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