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African Law Archive
Urban Dwellers' Associations Consolidation And Municipalities Proclamation No 104/1976

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36th Year No. 5
Proclamation No. 104 of 1976
Urban Dwellers ' Associations Consolidation and Municipalities Proclamation....
The African Law Archive
Page 75
WHEREAS, it is necessary to consolidate the foundations laid by the Government Ownership of Urban Lands and Extra Urban Houses Proclamation providing for urban dwellers to get organized in kebele, Higher, and Central Associations and run their own affairs, solve their own problems, and directly partici pate in political, economic and social activities ;
WHEREAS, to make the urban dwellers ' associations al ready formed or to be formed more conscious and organized and to make sure that the Revolution will achieve its ultimate goal, it is necessary to give proper revolutionary guidance to the mass organizations which the revolution has already created or
WHEREAS, it is believed that the organization of the broad masses of urban dwellers in kebele, Higher and Central Associa tions enabling them to directly take over the municipal administration of urban centers will not only enhance the orga nizational set - up of the people but will also improve their due
WHEREAS, urban dwellers ' associations formed or to be
ses of urban dwellers and form the basis for their organizational set - up; and accordingly, the kebele associations have primary responsibility to organize the people and encourage their partici projects so that their socialist political consciousness will be raised ;
WHEREAS, further, this type of set - up will enable the people to run their own affairs and prevent wastage of their time
process thereby gaining revolutionary experience ;

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