OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 9th Year No. 42 ADDIS ABABA- gth April , 2003 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 322/2003 Federal High Court Establishment Proclamation Page 2135 PROCLAMATION NO . 322/2003 . A PROCLAMATION TO PROVIDE FOR THE ES TABLISHEMENT OF FEDERAL HIGH COURT IN SOME REGIONS WHEREAS , the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Art 78 ( 2 ) , provides that the House of Peoples ' Representatives may , by two third majority vote , establish nationwide or in some parts of the country only , the Federal High Court and First Instance Courts it deeins necessary ; WHEREAS , it has become necessary to establish Federal High Court in some Regions ; NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Articles 78 ( 2 ) and 55 ( 1 ) , it is hereby proclaimed as follows . Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the Federal High Court Establishment Proclamation No. 322/2003 . ” 2. Establishement of Federal High Court The House of Peoples ' Representatives has decided to Establish Federal High Court in the States of Afar , Benshangul , Gambella , Somali and Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples . Unit Price The African Law Archive - No. 42 8 ቃ April , 2003- ~ Page 2136 3. Pending Cases 1 / Cases pending in the Supreme Courts of the regions mentioned in Article 2 of this Proclamation in accordance with Article 78 ( 2 ) of the Constitution before the coming into force of this Proclamation shall be heard and decided by the same courts . 21 Notwithstanding the Provision of Sub - Article ( 1 ) of ' this Article ; the Federal Supreme Court may decide to transfer cases pending in Regional Supreme Courts to be heard and decided the Federal High Court . 4. Effective Date This Proclamation shall come into force as of ghday of April , 2003 . Done at Addis Ababa , this 8th day of April , 2003 . PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive
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