OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 4 Year No. 57 ADDIS ABABA - 7 July , 1998 CONTENTS Council of Ministers Regulations No. 40/1998 Health Education Center Establishment Council of Ministers Regulations Page 802 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS No. 40/1998 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF HEALTH EDUCATION CENTER These Regulations are issued by the Council of Minis ters pursuant to Article 5 of the Definition of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 4/1995 . 1. Short Title These Regulations may be cited as the “ Health Education Center Establishment Council of Ministers Regulations No.40 / 1998 . " 2. Definition In these Regulations : 1 ) “ Health Education ” means an educationally orien ted process of change , of behaviours or life styles that affect people's health , that helps people to be responsible for their health and that of others and to make active participation in fruitful and useful activity ; 2 ) “ Ministry ” or “ Minister ” means the Ministry or Minister of Health respectively . Unit Price 2.30 The African Law Archive - No. 57 7 July , 1998-- Page 803 3. Establishment 1 ) There is hereby established the Health Education Center ( hereinafter “ the Center ' ' ) as an autonomous Federal Government institution having its own legal personality . 2 ) The Center shall be accountable to the Ministry . Head Office The Center shall have its head office in Addis Ababa and may have branch offices elsewhere as may be necessary . 5. Objectives The Center shall have the following objectives : " 1 ) to coordinate health education activities at national level ; 2 ) to help , on the basis of the country's health policy , increase health awareness and knowledge of the community and thereby bring about voluntary be havioural changes , use and participate in the health services and programmes established , prevent diseases and promote health . 6. Powers and Duties The Center shall have the powers and duties to : 1 ) prepare national health education standards based on the country's health policy and follow up its im plementation ; 2 ) cause the dissemination of lessons on major health and health related problems through appropriate media ; 3 ) provide assistance to federal and regional govern ment organs and to non - governmental bodies on health education matters ; cause basic health education to be given in schools and training institutions at all levels in cooperation with the appropriate organs and infuse them in the curriculum where necessary ; 5 ) undertake research and studies on health education matters , publish and distribute health teaching materials based on the research findings and conduct further evaluation and monitoring to improve health education ; 6 ) render professional consultancy services , conduct short - term trainings , workshops and symposiums as deemed necessary ; 7 ) charge fees for the services it renders in accordance with directives to be issued by the government ; 8 ) own property , enter into contracts , sue and be sued in its own name ; 9 ) issue certificate to those who attend short courses on health education ; 10 ) carry out such other activities as are necessary for the attainment of its objectives . The African Law Archive No. 57 7 July , 1998– Page 804 7. Organization of the Center The Center shall have : 1 ) a Board ; 2 ) a General Manager and a Deputy General Manager appointed by the government upon the recommen dation of the Minister ; and 3 ) the necessary staff . 8. Members of the Board The Board shall constitute seven members to be desig nated by the Government . 9. Powers and Duties of the Board The Board shall have the following powers and duties : 1 ) exercise overall direction and supervision of the activities of the Center ; 2 ) examine and submit to the Minister short and long term plan , as well as annual work programme and budget of the Center , and ensure its implementation : 3 ) examine and approve the work programme of the Center and follow up its implementation ; 4 ) decide on such other matters submitted by the General Mangaer concering the administration and management of the Center . 10. Meetings of the Board 1 ) The Board shall meet three times a year ; however , it may meet at any time at the request of the Chairman as may be necessary . 2 ) There shall be a quorum where more than half of the members of the Board are present at its meetings . 3 ) Any decision of the Board shall be passed by a majority vote of members present at a meeting ; in case of a tie , the Chairman shall have a casting vote . 4 ) The Board may , without prejudice to the provisions of this Article , adopt its own rules of procedure . 11. Powers and Duties of the General Manager 1 ) The General Manager shall be the chief executive officer of the Center and shall , subject to the general directives given to him by the Board , direct and administer the activities of the Center . 2 ) Without limiting the generality of the provisions of sub - Article ( 1 ) of this Article the General Manager shall : ( a ) exercise the powers and duties of the Center specified under Article ( 6 ) of these Regulations ; ( b ) prepare , and submit to the Board , the annual plan , work programme and budget of the Center and implement same upon approval ; ( c ) effect payments in accordance with the ap proved budget and work programme of the Center ; ( d ) prepare and submit the Board the operational and financial reports of the Center ; ( e ) employ and administer the employees of the Center in accordance with the federal civil service law ; ( f ) represent the Center in all its dealings with third parties . The African Law Archive - No. 57 7 July , 1998- Page 805 3 ) The General Manager may delegate part of his powers and duties to the Deputy General Manager or to other officials and employees of the Center to the extent necessary for the effective performance of the activities of the Center . 12. Powers and Duties of the Deputy General Manager The Deputy General Manager shall : 1 ) in the absence of the General Manager carry out the activities of the General Manager ; 2 ) perform activities directed by the General Manager . 13. Budget 1 ) The budget of the Center shall be drawn from the following sources : ( a ) budgetary allocation by the federal govern ment ; ( b ) service fees it collects ; and ( c ) any other source . 2 ) The fund indicated in sub - Article ( 1 ) of this Article shall be deposited in a bank account to be opened in the name of the Center and shall be expended to give effect to the objectives of the Center . Books of Account 1 ) The Center shall keep complete and accurate books of account . 2 ) The books of accounts and financial documents of the Center shall be audited annually by the Auditor General or by an auditor designated by him . 15. Effective Date These Regulations shall come into force on the date of Done at Addis Ababa , this 7th day of July , 1998 . PRIME MINISTER OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive
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