OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 11th Year No. 47 ADDIS ABABA - 26th July , 2005 CONTENTS Council of Ministers Regulation No.118 / 2005 “ Textile and Apparel Industry Institute Establishment Council of Ministers Regulation Page 3152 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATION No 118/2005 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS TO ESTABLISH THE TEXTILE AND APPAREL INDUSTRY INSTITUTE This Regulation is issued by the Council of Ministers pursuant to Article 5 of the definition of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Demo cratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 4/1995 . 1. Short Title This Regulation may be cited as the “ Textile and Apparel Industry Institute Establishment Council of Ministers Regulations No. 118/2005 ” . In this Regulation “ Ministry ” and “ Minister ” means the Ministry and Minister of Trade and Industry , respectively . Unite Price * The African Law Archive 3. Establishment 1 ) It is hereby established the Textile and Apparel Industry Institute ( hereinafter the “ Institute " ) as an autonomous federal government agency having its own legal personality . 2 ) The Institute shall be accountable to the Ministry . Head Office The Institute shall have its Head Office in Addis Ababa and may have branch offices in other places , as may be necessary . 5. Objectives The objectives of the Institute shall be to assist the textile and apparel Industries in market development and by giving long and short term trainings that will result in the upgrading of their management , supervision and production manpower skills and in sustainable supply of technicians needed by the industries , so as to enable them become competitive in domestic and foreign markets by acquiring product quality and standard recognition internationally . 6. Power and Duties Without Prejudice to specific powers and duties given by law to other government organs , the Institute shall have the following powers and duties : 1 ) to give market development assistance and short term training on management and production supervision to textile and apparel industries ; 2 ) by developing textile and apparel training curriculum , to give pre - service and in - service training in order to increase the number of professional in the sector and to acquaint the trainees with new technologies and methodologies , on its won or in collaboration with other institutions ; 3 ) to conduct research and development activities that will result in the increment of quality and quantity of textile and apparel products , on its own or in collaboration with other institutions ; 4 ) to distribute , through publication or any other methods , the studies it conducts based on the existing situations of the sector ; 5 ) to render laboratory testing services in connection with the sector ; 6 ) to give consultancy services to improve the quality and quantity of textile and apparel products and to resolve problems encountered by investors in the sector ; The African Law Archive 7. to provide information service that will enhance the development of the sector ; 8. to issue certificates and diplomas to trainees ; 9. to collect fees for services it renders ; to own property , enter into contract , sue and be sued in its own name ; 11. to engage in other activities necessary to accomplish its objectives . 7. Organization on the Institute The institute shall have : 1 ) a Director to be appointed by the Government upon the recommendation of the Minister : 2 ) an Academic Council ; 3 ) an Advisory Board ; and 4 ) the necessary staff . 8. Members of the Board The members of the advisory board shall be assigned by the Government , በአማካሪነት | 9. The Duties of the Advisory Board The Advisory Board shall have the following duties : 1 ) to advise the Ministry and Institute on the textile and apparel industry sector ; 2 ) to give opinion on policies and strategies prepared by the institute on textile and apparel industry sector and on directives to be issued by the institute ; 3 ) to assist in planning the activities of the institute and in the evaluation of the accomplishment of the plan ; to evaluate and give its opinion on the research activities of the institute ; to make its own consultations on matters concerning textile and apparel industries . 10. Meeting of the Board 1 ) The Board shall have a regular meeting every month ; it may , however , convene extraordinary meetings as deemed necessary . 2 ) There shall be quorum where more than half of the members of the Board are present . 3 ) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub Article ( 2 ) of this Article , the Board shall decide by a majority vote . In case of a tie the chairperson shall have a casting vote ; The ' African Law Archive 4 ) Subject to the provisions of this Article , the Board may issue its own rules of procedure 11. Powers and Duties of the Director 1 ) The Director shall be the chief executive officer of the Institute and shall , subject to the general directives of the Ministry , direct and administer the actives of the Institute . 2 ) Without limiting the generality of sub - Article ( 1 ) of this Article , the Director shall : ( a ) exercise the powers and deities of the institute specified in Article 6 of these Regulations ; ( b ) employ and administer personnel of the Institute in accordance with the federal civil servants laws and a salary scale to be approved for it by the Government ; ( c ) prepare and submit to the Ministry the work program and budget of the Institute and implement same upon approval ; ( d ) effect payment in accordance with the approved budget and work program of the Institute ; ( e ) represent the Institute in its dealings with third parties ; ( f ) submit to the Ministry the performance and financial reports of the Institute . 3 ) The Director may delegate part of his powers and duties to officers and other employees of the Institute to the extent necessary for the effective performance of the activities of the Institute . 12. Members of the Academic Council The Academic Council of the Institute shall consist of the following members : 1 ) the director of the Institute Chairman 2 ) the registrar of the Institute member 3 ) Teachers ' representative 4 ) Representatives from the various Departments of the Institute to be designated by the Ministry .... ' 13. Power and Duties of the Academic Council The Academic Council shall have the following powers and duties : The African Law Archive 1 ) to review and submit to the Ministry the academic program and calendar of the Institute ; 2 ) to undertake study on the conferring of diplomas , certificates and special awards and submit same to the Ministry ; 3 ) to prepare and submit to the Ministry , criteria for admission of trainees , determination and evaluation of academic standards and disciplinary and graduation matters , and implement same upon approval ; examine and decide on grievances relating to these matters ; 4 ) to determine methods and conditions of examination ; 5 ) to study and summit to the Ministry promotions in academic rank ; 6 ) to determine its own rules of procedure ; 7 ) to perform such other duties as may be given to it by the Ministry . 14. Budget The budget of the Institute shall be drawn from the following sources : 1 ) financial subsidy allocated by the Federal Government ; 2 ) fees collected from its services ; 3 ) grants , donations and any other sources of income . 15. Books of Accounts 1 ) The Institute shall keep complete and accurate books of accounts . 2 ) The books of accounts and financial documents of the Institute shall be audited annually by the Auditor General or by an auditor assigned by him . 16. Effective Date These Regulation shall come into force on the date Done at Addis Ababa , this 26th day of July 2005 . Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia The African Law Archive * * * www.AfricanLawArchive.com
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