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African Law Archive
Commercial Registration and Licensing council of Ministers (Amendment) Regulations No.87-2003

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OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 9th Year No. 71 ADDIS ABABA - 22mal July , 2003 CONTENTS Commercial Registration and Licensing Council of Ministers / Amendment / Regulations Page 2232 REGULATIONS NO.87 / 2003 REGULATIONS TO AMEND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT COMMERCIAL REGISTRATION AND LICENCING REGULATION These Regulations are issued by the Council of Ministers persuant to Article 5 of the Definition of powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of No. 67/1997 . Short Title These Regulations may be cited as the " Commercial Registration and Licensing council of Ministers / Amend ment / Regulations No.87 / 2003 ” . Unit Price The African Law Archive Amendment Federal Government commercial registration and licen sing council of Ministers regulations NO . 13/1997 is hereby amended as follows . The following new sub - articles ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) are added to Article 3 of the Regulations . “ 3. The Ministry shall prepare application , Licence and certificate forms which will be used for different purposes . 4. In the Regulations the phrase " by completing the appropriate form in the schedule “ B ” or “ C ” of these Regulations is replaced by the phrase " by completing the appropriate form prepared by the Ministry . ” b . Schedule ‘ A ’ which was attached to the regulation is replaced by the new schedule attached herewith . " 3. Effective Date Thes Regulations shall enter into force as of the 22nd day of July , 2002 Done at Addis Ababa , this 22 " 4 day of July , 2003 . Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia AfricanLawÀI V.com The African Law Archive The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Trade and Industy Fees for Commerical Registration and Business Licencing Reasons for Payment Amount of fee For application form ( per copy ) Birr 200 2 For Registration 2.1 Principal registration ( hased on the subscribed or authorized capital ) . a ) up to Birr 5,000 ( five thousands ) . Birr 5.00 b ) for each additional Birr 1000 ( one Birr 1.00 , thousand ) , or part thereof . provided , however , that the total fee shall not exceed Birr 2.2 Summary registration . 3 For registration or trade name pursuant to No. 12.1 ( a ) and ( b ) 4 For registration of a commercial representative 5 For a copy of certificate of regis tration ( per page ) . 6 \ For alternation of commercial regis- Birr 50,00 tration , additional registration , can cellation or an extract from an entry in the commercial register or for a cer tificate of no entry . Birr 50.00 7 For alteration , modification or can cellation of trade name registration . 8 For'issuance or renewal of business licence ( based on subscribed or authorized capital ) . 8.1 up to Birr 10,000 ( ten thousdand ) 8.2 for each additional Birr 10,000 provided however , that the total fee shall not exceed Birr 9 For issuance or renewal of certificate Birr 200.00 for commercial representation 10 For temporary business licence , ex pansion or upgrading permit Birr 50.00 11 For substitute business Licence or Certificate for commercial represen tation and principal registration 12 ( For registration and issuance of business licence upon transfer of business pursuant to No. 2 or 6 and 8 as ap propriate . 13 For a copy of document describing Fees to be deter the requirements to be satisfied before mined by the de issuance of a business licence ( per cision of the copy ) Ministry of trade [ and industry . The African Law Archive

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