Proclamation No. 14 / 1995
House of Peoples' Representatives Legislative Procedure Proclamation. .. .. .. Page 88
WHEREAS, Article 55 of the Constitution of the ment;
WHEREAS, this complete power to legislate is to be exercised in accordance with a procedure followed by the House, having consulted upon and consented to it;
WHEREAS, the legislative procedure of the House ought to emphasize on the democratic tenets embodied in the Constitution and its modus operandi ought to be carefully devised with transparency and comprehensibility to the public in mind;
NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Articles 59 (2) and 55 (1) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:
1. Short Title
This Proclamation may be cited as the House of Peoples' Representatives Legislative Procedure Proclamation No. 14 / 1995.”.
2. Definitions
In this Proclamation:
1) “Law” means proclamations, regulations or directives that come into force upon approval by the House of Peoples' Representatives and subsequent publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta, under the signature of the President, in accordance with the procedure aid down herein;
2) "the House'' means the House of Peoples' Representatives established pursuant to the provisions of Articles 53 to 60 of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; 3 )“ Secretary” means the Head of the Secretariat established under Proclamation No. 13 / 1995; 4 )“ Draft Legislation” means any matter brought before the House for its consideration. 3. Submission of Draft Legislation 1) Every Deputy, member to the House, may submit a draft legislation on any matter, for promulgation by the House.
2) A draft legislation submitted under sub - Article (1) shall (a) made in writing; and (b) endorsed by the signatures of its initiator and, at least, 20 members of the House. 3) The Council of Ministers of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has the right to submit draft legislation to the House. 4) All draft legislation shall be submitted to the Speaker of the House, through the Secretary. 5) The Speaker shall, upon submission of a draft legislation to him, notify the House of its content and essence; cause it to be itemized in the agenda for preliminary reading. 4. Preliminary Reading 1) Adraft legislation itemized in the agenda shall, at the time therein set for it, be openly read out to the House by the Speakers, by a person whom the Speaker delegates or by the Deputy having submitted it. 2) Where the draft legislation submitted is found voluminous and time consuming for a reading, the Speaker may rule that it be individually sent out to Deputies, prior to the date set for the agenda and that deliberations be started upon it with open reading done without. 3) Where, subsequent to the reading of the draft legislation submitted, two - thirds of the members of the House decide that the House ought to directly consider the matter at its regular meeting, the matter shall not be referred to a Committee. 4) Upon completion of the reading of the draft legislation under sub - Articles (1) and (2 ), the Speaker shall open the floor for deliberations on the spirit of the draft legislation in general. 5) Upon winding - up of the deliberations, the draft legislation shall be numbered and referred to the concerned Committee by the Speaker .5. Standing Committees of the House 1) The House shall have the following Standing Commit tees: (a) the Legal Affairs Committee; (b) the Budgetary Affairs Committee; (c) the Economic Affairs Committee; (d) the Defence and Security Committee; (e) the Foreign Affairs Committee; (f) the Social Affairs Committee; (g) the Committee for the Administrative Affairs of the House; (h) the Mass Media and Cultural Affairs Committee; (i) the Women' s Affairs Committee. 2) Each Committee shall have thirteen (13) committee members. All Committee members and the Chairmen and Secretaries thereof shall be directly elected by the House. 3) No Deputy shall be member to more than one Committee. 4) The Chairman and Secretary of each Committee shall be accountable to their respective Committee and to the Speaker. 5) Each Committee shall draw up its own rules of procedure and have it approved by the House. 6) The House may form other Committees and sub committees as necessary. 6. Mode of Operation of Committees 1) Upon a draft legislation being referred to the concerned Committee in accordance with Article 4 (5 ), the Com mittee leadership shall publicize its having received same. 2) A Committee having received a draft legislation shall itemize the matter in its agenda; and, (a) arrange a forum whereby all concerned with the matter voice their opinions thereon; (b) receive, subject to keeping records, and study materials sent to it on the matter in writing, images and otherwise; (c) submit, to the Speaker, a report consisting of its investigation, study and decision on the matter. 7. Consideration of a Report 1 ). Upon receiving the report of a Committee, the Speaker shall cause it to be sent out to all Deputies. 2) Subsequent to the lapse of sufficient time allocated for examination of the report since reception by the Deputies, the Speaker shall itemize the report in the agenda for consideration in regular meetings or, as may be necessary, in consecutive sessions and extraordinary meetings of the House. 3) In the course of consideration of the report by Deputies, the Committee that submitted it shall, together with the Speakers, preside over the meeting, elaborate on the matter and conduct the deliberations thereon .4) Subsequent to having sufficiently deliberated on the report, the House shall decide, by a majority vote, on whether to accept, modify, approve or reject the proposals of the Committee having considered the draft legislation. position taken by the House on the draft legislation. 8. Approval of Draft Legislation i 1) The Speaker of the House shall, together with a statement that the draft legislation has been con sidered and approved by the House, pass it on within two working days to the President of the Federal Government, for his signature, pursuant to Article | 1 fol. 21 (4) of the Rules of Procedure of the House and i Article 57 of the Constitution of the Federal De mocratic Republic of Ethiopia.“ 2) The legislation shall come into force upon being, signed by the President or, in case otherwise, fifteen (15) days after its having been received by him. 3) The approved legislation shall be numbered by the 9. Effective Date This Proclamation shall enter into force aş of the 26th day Done at Addis Ababa, this 26th day of October, 1995. PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC _ 33, 3. •: REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 33 :. .:'' '. ... !: iT ! ! 15 ፡ 31 - 1 - 3, ኗ !. .. ፡ ፡. ..: :: :: ::: ? “. !.. ii .,: ?'' 3392d32 (: " * ] ፡' '. .: :' ህ, kj ፡“ 6: 3 !: 61') ft£ 5 / ism
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