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African Law Archive
Sports Commission Establishment Proclamation No. 12-1995

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1st Year No. 12 ADDIS ABABA - 24th August, 1995



Proclamation No. 12/1995

Sports Commission Establishment Proclamation





WHEREAS, it has become necessary to establish the Sports Commission;

NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55 (1) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:


1. Short Title

This Proclamation may be cited as the "Sports Commis­sion Establishment Proclamation No. 12/1995".


2. Definitions

In this proclamation:

1) "Ethiopian Olympic Committee" means a Committee formed, in accordance with the rules of the Inter­national Olympic Committee, by sports federations;

2) "Sport" includes physical culture;

3) "Sports association" means any sport club formed in accordance with the provisions of this Proclamation, the Ethiopian Olympic Committee or any sports federation;

4) "Sports federation" means any institution vested with the responsibility of promoting and directing any sport within the country.


3. Establishment

1) The Sports Commission (hereinafter referred to as "the Commission") is hereby established as an autonomous public institution of the Federal Government.

2) The Commission shall be accountable to the Council of Ministers.


4. Head Office

The head office of the Commission shall be in Addis Ababa.


5. Objective

The objective of the Commission shall be to organize sports within the community, and to extend and popularize it.


6. Powers and Duties of the Commission

The Commission shall have the following powers and duties:

1) to prepare the national policy relating to sports, and implement same upon approval;

2) to issue directives concerning the establishment and determination of the standards of sports associations; issue permits to sports associations formed at the national level; coordinate and supervise the program­mes and international contacts of such sports as­sociations;

3) to organize national and international sports com­petitions and issue permit regarding same; in cooperation with the Ethiopian Olympic Committee, organize all-Ethiopia sports competitions;

4) to provide for the proper care for, and due training of members of national sports teams;

5) to settle disputes among sports associations relating to national sports competitions;

6) in cooperation with the appropriate organs, to encourage the local production of sports equipment and materials; facilitate the importation of same;

7) to assist in the popularization, improvement and enhancement of traditional sports;

8) to audit the books of accounts of national sports associations with a view to ascertaining that their income is utilized only for the fulfillment of their objectives;

9) to establish sports centres of national and international standards; provide technical assistance to regional sports centres;

10) in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, to organize sports medical facilities; assist in the organization of sports medical facilites by Regional Governments;

11) to own property, enter into contracts, sue and be sued in its own name;

12) to perform such other duties as are conducive to the attainment of its objective.


7. Organization of the Commission

The Commission shall have:

1) a Federal Sports Council (hereinafter "the Council");

2) a Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner appointed by the Government; and

3) the necessary staff.


8. Members of the Council

The Council shall have the following members:

1) a Representative to be designated by the Government……………………………Chairman

2) Representatives of the Sports Councils of the Regions and of Addis Ababa……..Members

3) The Chairman of the Ethiopian Olympic Committee……………………………..Member

4) The Chairman of each national Sports Federation………………………………...Member

5) Representatives of other government and mass organizations to be designated

by the  Government……………………………………………………………………Members

6) The Commissioner……………………………………………………………….…Member


9. Meetings of the Council

1) The Council shall hold a regular meeting once an­nually; however it may at any time hold an extraor­dinary meeting, whenever found necessary.

2) There shall be a quorum where the majority of the members of the Council are present at its meetings.

3) Decisions of the Council shall be passed by a majority vote; in case of a tie the Chairman shall have a casting vote.

4) Without prejudice to the provisions of this Artic1e, the Council may draw up its own rules of procedure.


10. Powers and Duties of the Council

The Council shall have the following powers and duties:

1) to de1iberate upon ways and means of extending and enhancing sports, and make recommendations;

2) to approve policy decisions and long-term plans to be submitted to the Government;

3) to approve directives issued by the Commission;

4) to evaluate the activity reports of the Commission.


11. Powers and Duties of the Commissioner

1) The Commissioner shall be the chief executive of the Commission and, as such, shall direct and administer the activities of the Commission.

2) Without limiting the generality stated in sub-Artic1e (1) of this Artic1e, the Commissioner shall:

(a) exercise the powers and duties of the Commission specified in Article 6 of this Proclamation;

(b) employ and administer employees of the Commis­sion in accordance with the Federal civil service laws;

(c) prepare the work porgramme and budget of the Commission and implement same upon approval;

(d) effect expenditure in accordance with the approved budget and work programme of the Commission;

(e) represent the Commission in all its dealings with third parties;

(f) submit reports on the activities of the Commission.

3) The Commissioner may delegate part of his powers and duties to the other officials and employees of the Commission to the extent necessary for the efficiency of the Commission.


12. Budget

The budget of the Commission shall be allocated by the Government.


13. Books of Accounts

1) The Commission shall keep complete and accurate books of accounts.

2) The Commission's books of accounts and financial documents shall be audited annually by the Auditor General or by auditors designated by him.


14. Effective Date

This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the 24th day of August, 1995.


Done at Addis Ababa, this 24th day of the August, 1995.





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