OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 2 Year No. 18 ADDIS ABABA - 22nd February , 1996 CONTENTS Proclamation No. 30/1996 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development , Production , Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction Ratification Proclamation Page 159 Council of Ministers Regulations No. 5/1996 Ethiopian International Institute for Peace and De velopment Establishment Council of Ministers Regulations Page 160 PROCLAMATION NO . 30/1996 A PROCLAMATION TO RATIFY THE CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE DEVELOPMENT , PRODUCTION , STOCKPILING AND USE OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS AND ON THEIR DESTRUCTION PROCLAMATION WHEREAS , Ethiopia is one of the signatories to the tion , Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their WHEREAS , the House of Peoples ' Representatives has February , 1996 , NOW , THEREFORE , in accordance with Article 55 ( 1 ) Republic of Ethiopia , it is hereby proclaimed as follows : 1. Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the " " Convention on the Prohibition of the Development , Production , Stock piling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction Ratification Proclamation No. 30/1996 . " Unit Price www AfricanLawArchive.com The African Law Archive No. 18 22 February 1996 Page 160 2. Ratification of the Convention The Convention on the Prohibition of the Develop ment , Production , Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction , done in Paris on the 13th of January , 1993 , is hereby ratified . 3. Powers of the Ministry of Trade and Industry The Ministry of Trade and Industry is hereby empowered to undertake , in cooperation with the appropriate govern ment organs , all acts necessary for the imple mentation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development , Production , Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction . 4. Effective Date This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the 22nd day of February , 1996 . Done at Addis Ababa , this 22nd day of February , 1996 PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS NO . 51996 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ETHIOPIAN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT These Regulations are issued by the Council of Minis 1. Short Title These Regulations may be cited as the " Ethiopian International Institute for Peace and Development Es tablishment Council of Ministers Regulations No. 51 2. Definitions In these Regulations “ Ministry ” means the Ministry of Foreign Affairs . 3. Establishment 1 ) The Ethiopian International Institute for Peace and Development ( hereinafter the Institute " ) is hereby established as an autonomous institution having its own juridical personality . 2 ) The Institute shall be accountable to the Ministry . The African Law Archive 4. Head Office The Institute shall have its head office in Addis Ababa and may establish branch offices elsewhere as may be necessary . 5. Objectives The Institute shall have the following objectives : 1 ) to undertake research and training activities designed to promote cooperation and partnership between Ethiopia and the International Community with a view to further ensuring strict observance of de mocratic and human rights guaranteed to all citizens by the Constitution , further strengthening of the prevailing peace and stability and enhancing the progress of economic and social development ; 2 ) to contribute towards strengthening relations among countries of the Horn of Africa based on mutual trust and respect and on the promotion of common interests and benefits ; 3 ) to explore the potential for future enhancement of security , stability and socio - economic development in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa through promotion and assistance in research activities and the provision of conceptual and practical support through on - going training programmes ; 4 ) to promote cooperation between countries of the Horn of Africa and the international community with a view to strengthening the latter's assistance and support in building sustainable peace and develop ment in the region , and to promote the creation and expansion of relations , based on mutual benefits , with other regions . 6. Powers and Duties The Institute shall have the following powers and duties : 1 ) to conduct and disseminate policy - option studies on issues relating to peace and development ; 2 ) to review the implementation and application of policies and principles pertaining to the building of democratic institutions , the observance of human rights , the maintenance of peace and security and relating to foreign relations and cooperation as well as the building of economic and social development with a view to , based on studies , proposing and disseminating alternative methods of implemen tation ; 3 ) to undertake research and studies and to conduct training designed to promote democratic culture and the handling of differences through peaceful and democratic means , to ensure the strict observance of human rights , to enhance good governance charac terized with accountablility , transparency and public confidence , and to promote the expansion and strengthening of democratic institutions ; 4 ) to collect and analyze information on issues relating to peace and development , and to disseminate same to those concerned ; 5 ) to contribute and assist in the peaceful resolution of conflicts arising at national or regional level ; 6 ) to conduct training programmes designed to promote sustainable peace and development with particular emphasis on peaceful methods of conflict resolution and peace - keeping ; The African Law Archive No.18 22 February 1996 Page 162 7 ) to sponsor special forums such as seminars , work shops , symposia and conferences to share in - depth knowledge and practical experience ; 8 ) to establish relations of cooperation with governmen tal and international agencies , non - governmental organizations and institutions having similar goals ; 9 ) to publish and distribute the results of its studies and research activities ; 10 ) to accept assistance and donations in connection with the fulfillment of its objectives ; 11 ) to fix and collect fees , as may be necessary , for services it renders ; 12 ) to own property , enter into contracts and to sue and be sued in its own name ; 13 ) to carry out such other activities as may be necessary for the fulfillment of its objectives . 7. Organization of the Institute The Institute shall have : 1 ) a Board of Trustees ( hereinafter “ the Board ” ) , 2 ) a Director and Deputy Director to be appointed by the Ministry ; and 3 ) the necessary staff . 8. Members of the Board The Chairman and other members of the Board shall be designated by the Ministry . 9. Powers and Duties of the Board The Board shall have the powers and duties to : 1 ) direct and supervise the activities of the Institute ; 2 ) examine and approve the Institute's study , research and training programmes , and follow - up the im plementation of same ; 3 ) approve the Institute's annual budget , and supervise the implementation of same ; 4 ) approve and follow - up the implementation of the internal regulations of the Institute ; 5 ) deliberate and decide on other policy issues to be submitted to it by the Director ; 6 ) evaluate the performance of the Institute and submit reports to the Ministry together with its recommen dations . 10. Meetings of the Board 1 ) The Board shall meet as frequently as the activities of the Institute so require . 2 ) There shall be a quorum where more than half of the members are present at a meeting of the Board . 3 ) Decisions of the Board shall be passed when supported by a majority vote of members present at the meeting ; provided , however , that the Chairman shall have a casting vote in case of a tie . 4 ) The Board may determine its own rules of procedure . 5 ) Fees to be paid to members of the Board shall be determined by the internal regulations of the Institute upon obtaining the prior consent of the Ministry . The African Law Archive 11. Powers and Duties of the Director 1 ) The Director shall be the chief executive officer of the Institute and shall , subject to the general direc tives of the Board , direct and administer the ac tivities of the Institute . 2 ) Without limiting the generality stated in sub - Article ( 1 ) of this Article , the Director shall : ( a ) exercise the powers and duties of the Institute specified in Article 5 of these Regulations ; ( b ) employ and administer employees of the Ins titute in accordance with the internal regulations of the Institute to be adopted by the Board in observance of the basic principles of federal civil service laws ; ( c ) prepare and submit to the Board the work programmes and budget of the Institute , and implement same upon approval ; ( d ) effect expenditure in accordance with the ap proved budget and work programme of the Institute ; ( e ) represent the Institute in all its dealings with third parties ; ( f ) prepare and submit to the Board the operational and financial reports of the Institute . 3 ) The Director may delegate part of his powers and duties to the Deputy Director and to other employees of the Institute to the extent necessary for the efficient performance of the activities of the Ins titute . 12. Budget 1 ) The budget of the Institute shall be drawn from the following sources : ( a ) Federal Government subsidy ; ( b ) grants and donations received by the Institute ; ( c ) service fees collected by the Institute , and ( d ) any other source . 2 ) The fund referred to in sub - Article ( 1 ) of this Article shall be deposited in a bank account to be opened in the name of the Institute and shall be expended on the implementation of the objectives of the Institute . 13. Books of Accounts 1 ) The Institute shall keep complete and accurate books of accounts . 2 ) Without prejudice to the powers of the Auditor General vested in him by law , the books of accounts and financial documents of the Institute shall be audited annually by external auditors to be desig nated by the Board 14. Effective Date These Regulations shall come into force on the date of Done at Addis Ababa , this 22nd day of February , 1996 . PRIME MINISTER OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA The African Law Archive
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