OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 10th Year No. 44 ADDIS ABABA - 24th June , 2004 CONTENTS Council of Ministers Regulation No. 103/2004 The Council of Ministers regulation for the Establishment of Federal Board to provide affirmative support for less developed region ................. Page 2634 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATION NO 103/2004 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FEDERAL BOARD TO PROVIDE AFFIRMATIVE SUPORT FOR LESS DEVELOPED REGION regulationis is issued by the Council of Ministers pursuant to Article 5 of the definition of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Demo cratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 4/1995 . 1. Short Title This regulation may be cited as “ The Council of Ministers Regulation for the Establishment of Federal Board to provide affirmative support for less developed regions regulation No. 103/2004 2. Definitions In this Regulation 1 ) In this Regulations " less developed Regions " means Regional States of Afar , Somali , Gambela and Benshangul Gumuz and shall include pastoral areas Southern Nations Nationalities and People's Regions . 2 ) " Affirmative support " means sustainable and coordinated support given to the regions mainly regard preparation implementation based on their interests . Unite Price The African Law Archive No. 44 24 June 2004 Page 2635 3. Establishment 1 ) Federal Board to provide affirmative support for less developed regions / herein after referred to as the " Board " / having its own legal personality is established by these regulations . 2 ) The Board shall be accountable to the Prime Minister . 4. Objectives The objectives of the board shall be to 1 ) Coordinate the support given to less developed regions by organs of the Federal Government . 2 ) Give the necessary support for the regions in their effort to carryout democratization , sustainable development and capacity building based on vision and plan . 5. Responsibilities and Duties of the Board . \ The board shall have responsibilities and duties to 1 ) Initiate planning ideas ; give coordinated and sustainable support with respect to plan preparation and implementation . 2 ) Give sustainable capacity building support to the regions so that they can become self reliant ; 3 ) Coordinate all Federal development and good governance support provided to the regions ; 6. Members of the Board The Board shall have the following members : 1 ) Minister of Federal Affairs ................ Chairperson 2 ) Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development Member 3 ) Ministry of Education ... 4 ) Ministry of Health . 5 ) Ministry of Water Resources 6 ) Ministry of Trade and Industry 7 ) Ministry of Revenues 8 ) Ministry of Development Infrastructure ... Meeting of the Board 1 ) The Board shall meet once in three months , however , it may meet at any time at the request of the chairperson . 2 ) There shall be a quorum where more than half of the members are present at a meeting of the Board . 3 ) Decisions of the Board shall be made by majority vote , and in case of a tie , the chairpersons shall have a casting vote . 4 ) Without prejudice to the provisions of this Article , the Board may draw up its own rules of procedure . Responsibilities and Duties of the Ministry of Federal Affairs . The ministry shall have responsibilities and duties to The African Law Archive No. 44 247 June 2004 Page 2636 1 ) Serve as the main office of the Board and as a center that coordinates Federal support ; follow - up the implementation of the decision of the Board ; 2 ) Coordinate the support which is more capable to neighboring regions may provide ; 3 ) Convene annual meeting in which the relevant ministries and the regions participate . 4 ) Represent the Board in its dealings with third parties . Effective Date This regulation shall come into force on the date of its Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia AfricanLaw Archive.com The African Law Archive
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